Zoréi:ft,''C’otto1sSooks', .31)ai,‘r‘Vf0?7=~‘31g.___..-“:.: = new ..ooza2eeéz.i«*i-éwwn '1rwbé.d,' silk .50.": 1lix_g'1zli : v I ‘5o.‘0q_rljzv1*s.-..4.1>.11;1z_.‘.ii'- ‘A - iiirlézsssi. - "EDUCATIONAL . A.CK8ON’VILLE s-maul: v Aom.1mr—ru:y.‘ n . " . . -: - *7mf.g3;~;,g,.°u.;1::.2:::"«.l;i:€.?l;'¥.r..%*:.&*."..*:z.! v » is e - 0 i -:-.I Show moreZoréi:ft,''C’otto1sSooks', .31)ai,‘r‘Vf0?7=~‘31g.___..-“:.: = new ..ooza2eeéz.i«*i-éwwn '1rwbé.d,' silk .50.": 1lix_g'1zli : v I ‘5o.‘0q_rljzv1*s.-..4.1>.11;1z_.‘.ii'- ‘A - iiirlézsssi. - "EDUCATIONAL . A.CK8ON’VILLE s-maul: v Aom.1mr—ru:y.‘ n . " . . -: - *7mf.g3;~;,g,.°u.;1::.2:::"«.l;i:€.?l;'¥.r..%*:.&*."..*:z.! v » is e - 0 i -:-.I Show less
. I I llltmday, . V Tuesday ‘E’ ,...f I - 5i1tL 15Ti<>151??1 F°i11‘*?h 5'°"‘é9"* I 'W{ll'cZo8e' o>ul§.tIzeir stock of Summer Hats (Rough and Readilé Cliip, ‘lift!-(Ia,-,»?:I'?us~ can, Le9fh.m_-n, "*ifl.fall slzirgpes, _-be , ' 100, .121-520, 181:, 260, 35¢‘. 4 c, ‘ Zoo. : Ba1:ga.i:ns.A1i Over the House. ; nm‘:ss.VG0QD$,.wRAPs ahd.~FLOWE‘RS.’ m Show more. I I llltmday, . V Tuesday ‘E’ ,...f I - 5i1tL 15Ti<>151??1 F°i11‘*?h 5'°"‘é9"* I 'W{ll'cZo8e' o>ul§.tIzeir stock of Summer Hats (Rough and Readilé Cliip, ‘lift!-(Ia,-,»?:I'?us~ can, Le9fh.m_-n, "*ifl.fall slzirgpes, _-be , ' 100, .121-520, 181:, 260, 35¢‘. 4 c, ‘ Zoo. : Ba1:ga.i:ns.A1i Over the House. ; nm‘:ss.VG0QD$,.wRAPs ahd.~FLOWE‘RS.’ m Show less
, but thoraintull has been more evenly distributed. ' The distribution by sections sndirlcondes is as lollows: N. 2.-.r.. c. r:. 9.1:. s.w. W. 2t.w.. ' L 0.W'0.9b L79 3.&) 3.3-S 3.13 ‘L85 L57 9. 0.330.380.830.330.480.000.351.14 5. mt om om o.n o.-as La: Lu 2.2» 335 ml Me III :36 On the 2d inst. heavy rains, accompanied by thunder stgrnls, occurred in the nurtltwcst, ex Show more, but thoraintull has been more evenly distributed. ' The distribution by sections sndirlcondes is as lollows: N. 2.-.r.. c. r:. 9.1:. s.w. W. 2t.w.. ' L 0.W'0.9b L79 3.&) 3.3-S 3.13 ‘L85 L57 9. 0.330.380.830.330.480.000.351.14 5. mt om om o.n o.-as La: Lu 2.2» 335 ml Me III :36 On the 2d inst. heavy rains, accompanied by thunder stgrnls, occurred in the nurtltwcst, ex Show less
Embroideries at 5 Cents a. yard; worth 8 1—3c. ' ‘. \ AND 500 pieces Embroiderlcs at 01-2 Cents a yard; worth 10:3. 500 pieces Embroiderles at 8 1-3 Cents 3 yard; worth 121-20. d. K . 500 pieces Embroidcrics at 10 Cents n. yo.rd;wo1-th '171-243. 5 | N E D H N 500 pieces Embroldcrlcs at '121-2 Cents 9. yard; worth 200. ' I 500 pieces Embroidcries at 15 Cents :1 yard; worth 250; 500 Show more Embroideries at 5 Cents a. yard; worth 8 1—3c. ' ‘. \ AND 500 pieces Embroiderlcs at 01-2 Cents a yard; worth 10:3. 500 pieces Embroiderles at 8 1-3 Cents 3 yard; worth 121-20. d. K . 500 pieces Embroidcrics at 10 Cents n. yo.rd;wo1-th '171-243. 5 | N E D H N 500 pieces Embroldcrlcs at '121-2 Cents 9. yard; worth 200. ' I 500 pieces Embroidcries at 15 Cents :1 yard; worth 250; 500 Show less