and two years, at 6 per cent. The sale will begin promptly at 3 o clock near Taylor avenue and Boston street. HENRY B. BELT & 00., No. 205 N. Eighth Street. A AD1uINIsTRAToIrs SALE —-OF—-.- tnnt RESIDENCE Lon -IN WEBSTER GROVES, Subdivision of lot No.6 of the Sar y tra.ct, U. survey NO. 1,953. On Thurs- day. May -3, 1378, at 10 o‘clock a. m., I will offer on e premises, by order of the Probate... Show more and two years, at 6 per cent. The sale will begin promptly at 3 o clock near Taylor avenue and Boston street. HENRY B. BELT & 00., No. 205 N. Eighth Street. A AD1uINIsTRAToIrs SALE —-OF—-.- tnnt RESIDENCE Lon -IN WEBSTER GROVES, Subdivision of lot No.6 of the Sar y tra.ct, U. survey NO. 1,953. On Thurs- day. May -3, 1378, at 10 o‘clock a. m., I will offer on e premises, by order of the Probate Court Show less
PRIZE OF $l00,000............$100,0001 GRAND PRIZE OF 50,000 .......... .. 50,000 . 1 GRAND PRIZE 0}?‘ 20,000 .......... .. 20,0002 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 ......... 20,000 4 LARGE PRIZE-S OF 5,000 ......... 20.000 E3 PRI@‘ES OF 1,50(OJg.. £,8(03100 u A 3 IIIIIIIIILI 303000 200 “ 2m.....uo -on wqan 600 “ _ 100... . .. . 60,0001 . IOIIIIIIOOOO AP_PROXI_MATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes... Show more PRIZE OF $l00,000............$100,0001 GRAND PRIZE OF 50,000 .......... .. 50,000 . 1 GRAND PRIZE 0}?‘ 20,000 .......... .. 20,0002 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 ......... 20,000 4 LARGE PRIZE-S OF 5,000 ......... 20.000 E3 PRI@‘ES OF 1,50(OJg.. £,8(03100 u A 3 IIIIIIIIILI 303000 200 “ 2m.....uo -on wqan 600 “ _ 100... . .. . 60,0001 . IOIIIIIIOOOO AP_PROXI_MATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of 200 Show less
r VOL. 3——N0. 352. $1. Ififiam O 8'1‘. rooms, MONDAY Momrmo, MAY 13, 1373. @luhe~*i£enw1:rat.* *1 PRICE FIVE CENTS. MEN’S UNDERWEAR! LIBGESISPHCKSINDLBWESI PBICES.I1ITHEWE8'f. ' WILSON BROTH ERS. - 408 North Fourth EL. St. Lenin. oarmaoo um. ESTATE. . mmm at tho ?rwo-amy Brick nwenmx no. 1929 mxnonrn srnnm. with lot 95:11:51-za to on Anny. ox THURSDAY, MAY 10. L Show morer VOL. 3——N0. 352. $1. Ififiam O 8'1‘. rooms, MONDAY Momrmo, MAY 13, 1373. @luhe~*i£enw1:rat.* *1 PRICE FIVE CENTS. MEN’S UNDERWEAR! LIBGESISPHCKSINDLBWESI PBICES.I1ITHEWE8'f. ' WILSON BROTH ERS. - 408 North Fourth EL. St. Lenin. oarmaoo um. ESTATE. . mmm at tho ?rwo-amy Brick nwenmx no. 1929 mxnonrn srnnm. with lot 95:11:51-za to on Anny. ox THURSDAY, MAY 10. L Show less
Mares and ECKSTEIN 0 ..l7 N. 4th st 900 Olive Street. 01‘ Gas owner 1X 1 an la" ‘ 1“ “*V9" Ai?‘f3“8i8ifi?e‘K?l.u.. "'53. “S: siizittzt ’ “ -3 at the farm Qf Mr. John Scott, three miles north of Baden. Beliefontailie Road, 20 brood mares and 8 No. 4s at 10c, 5s at 13c, 7s at 14c, 93 at 19c, 12s at,24c, _.___ [MOST UNIQUE ‘ ' . suckling colts, 6 Put Maloy yearling colts. " Show more Mares and ECKSTEIN 0 ..l7 N. 4th st 900 Olive Street. 01‘ Gas owner 1X 1 an la" ‘ 1“ “*V9" Ai?‘f3“8i8ifi?e‘K?l.u.. "'53. “S: siizittzt ’ “ -3 at the farm Qf Mr. John Scott, three miles north of Baden. Beliefontailie Road, 20 brood mares and 8 No. 4s at 10c, 5s at 13c, 7s at 14c, 93 at 19c, 12s at,24c, _.___ [MOST UNIQUE ‘ ' . suckling colts, 6 Put Maloy yearling colts. " Show less
in the A Dangerous Counterfeit. WASHINCTCN, D. 0., May‘ 6---1 d=111g01‘011S counterfeit note of the deiiomina: ion of .$l00.0n the hlcrcliants’ National Bank, of New Bed- ford, Mass. , has been put in circulation in the Western States. A Wife Murderer’s Confession. PITTSTON, PA., May 6.—-Tlios. Morris has confessedto the murder of his wife at l{ansa.s City, in January last, and started for tha... Show more in the A Dangerous Counterfeit. WASHINCTCN, D. 0., May‘ 6---1 d=111g01‘011S counterfeit note of the deiiomina: ion of .$l00.0n the hlcrcliants’ National Bank, of New Bed- ford, Mass. , has been put in circulation in the Western States. A Wife Murderer’s Confession. PITTSTON, PA., May 6.—-Tlios. Morris has confessedto the murder of his wife at l{ansa.s City, in January last, and started for that placo this morning Show less
5.--During the past week attachments have been issued at the in- stance of banks and individual creditors against the Border City Mills to the aggregate of $273. ' 000; Sagamore Mills, $106,000; Umon Mills, $303,300; estate of 1’ ‘Ann Durfee. $&¢).000; Geo. .»- T. Hathaway, $100,000‘ H. B. Durfee, $24,000; Massasoit Steam Mill, $13,200; a ainst various Directors of the Border City Show more 5.--During the past week attachments have been issued at the in- stance of banks and individual creditors against the Border City Mills to the aggregate of $273. ' 000; Sagamore Mills, $106,000; Umon Mills, $303,300; estate of 1’ ‘Ann Durfee. $&¢).000; Geo. .»- T. Hathaway, $100,000‘ H. B. Durfee, $24,000; Massasoit Steam Mill, $13,200; a ainst various Directors of the Border City Show less
. was to p&‘ his mill mustl go 1\VllllltlIJlh(E I11l1110llfS of 1 omen now uueinp oyet, wi 01'°‘eS. 111" naces and factories entirely closet . How would tlihe wolrkinoi peoplegfeelll, and \vlit2i.t1a3iij; won t gcep t Iein in order. e repea -cc is. this was a revolutionary measure. It was the very madness of theory to assert that a tariff Vvllifill stimulated production, and dwlncli add Show more. was to p&‘ his mill mustl go 1\VllllltlIJlh(E I11l1110llfS of 1 omen now uueinp oyet, wi 01'°‘eS. 111" naces and factories entirely closet . How would tlihe wolrkinoi peoplegfeelll, and \vlit2i.t1a3iij; won t gcep t Iein in order. e repea -cc is. this was a revolutionary measure. It was the very madness of theory to assert that a tariff Vvllifill stimulated production, and dwlncli add Show less
pcs. Parisienne Eglantines‘, 35c. 1 case 30-inch Black Mohair Luster, 200. 1,40-inch All-‘V001 Black Cash mere, 500. T. F. Eldfib 15c. 03.0 \Vill open Monday morning over 300 different styles standard Calicoes, at 5c. WHITE GOODS DEPARTBIENT. 1 case of Corded Pique,at 5c. 1 case Percales, good styles, at 71/20. 1 case Percales, very pretty, 10c. 50 cs. Pcrcalcs, best goods, 12%c. 14 ale 4... Show more pcs. Parisienne Eglantines‘, 35c. 1 case 30-inch Black Mohair Luster, 200. 1,40-inch All-‘V001 Black Cash mere, 500. T. F. Eldfib 15c. 03.0 \Vill open Monday morning over 300 different styles standard Calicoes, at 5c. WHITE GOODS DEPARTBIENT. 1 case of Corded Pique,at 5c. 1 case Percales, good styles, at 71/20. 1 case Percales, very pretty, 10c. 50 cs. Pcrcalcs, best goods, 12%c. 14 ale 4-4 Bro Show less
on Victor street, by 102 feet 6 inches in depth. The Two Doiililo Dwelling Houses Belongingto the A .1 ti d k . . 2-109, 2411 and 2413 Isfiggla(S(OIRtlInTenil1i)9VS1tra(fe§0SviIR(ii7é sold on the premises, AT 3:30 O’CLOCK P. M. Each house contains 8 rooms. 4 kitchens, attics, cel- lars, etc. The lots have a front of 30 feet each by a depth of 123 feet 3 inches to an alley 16 feet wide. All conn... Show more on Victor street, by 102 feet 6 inches in depth. The Two Doiililo Dwelling Houses Belongingto the A .1 ti d k . . 2-109, 2411 and 2413 Isfiggla(S(OIRtlInTenil1i)9VS1tra(fe§0SviIR(ii7é sold on the premises, AT 3:30 O’CLOCK P. M. Each house contains 8 rooms. 4 kitchens, attics, cel- lars, etc. The lots have a front of 30 feet each by a depth of 123 feet 3 inches to an alley 16 feet wide. All connections Show less
. Loss, $100,000 ; insured. LATER. The loss by the burning Of the Albion Lead Works at Dighton is $150,000; $81,000 insurance. At Adair, Ill. CHICAGO. May 2.-—A"n Inte-r- Ocean special says that a fire last night nearly destroyed the busi- ness portion of Adair, Ill., on tho 0., B. and Q. R. R. Loss, $15,000; insurance $9,000. It is believed to have been the work of’ an ince ndia- ryO GOING Show more. Loss, $100,000 ; insured. LATER. The loss by the burning Of the Albion Lead Works at Dighton is $150,000; $81,000 insurance. At Adair, Ill. CHICAGO. May 2.-—A"n Inte-r- Ocean special says that a fire last night nearly destroyed the busi- ness portion of Adair, Ill., on tho 0., B. and Q. R. R. Loss, $15,000; insurance $9,000. It is believed to have been the work of’ an ince ndia- ryO GOING Show less
an npapropgiation of $75,000101' closing crevasses and res. s; in Il_li- nois, $51,264 above, and $490,380 below the Ohio; in Missouri, $10,000;.in Teni_1es_see_, $1,299,180; in Arkansas, $178,000; in Mississippi, $677,750; _ in Louisiana and for raisingniid s_trengt11ening levees on the Lower Mississippi, $1,000,000. The aggregated amount _is $3,871,574. 1110 jurisdiction of ‘the committee h... Show more an npapropgiation of $75,000101' closing crevasses and res. s; in Il_li- nois, $51,264 above, and $490,380 below the Ohio; in Missouri, $10,000;.in Teni_1es_see_, $1,299,180; in Arkansas, $178,000; in Mississippi, $677,750; _ in Louisiana and for raisingniid s_trengt11ening levees on the Lower Mississippi, $1,000,000. The aggregated amount _is $3,871,574. 1110 jurisdiction of ‘the committee having been Show less
of the American Tract Society of Boston, $5,561; interest, taxes, etc. , $13,043; all other expendi- tures, as per vouchers, $28,597; total payments, $409,992; balance in the treasury, $5,093, in. cluding $7,837 of the sinking funfl. Receipts‘ Donations and legacies, $89,008; Sales, $300,604; rents ,$l4,329; total for the year,$40:3,33l ,to which add bills payable, $1,911; balance of the sinki... Show more of the American Tract Society of Boston, $5,561; interest, taxes, etc. , $13,043; all other expendi- tures, as per vouchers, $28,597; total payments, $409,992; balance in the treasury, $5,093, in. cluding $7,837 of the sinking funfl. Receipts‘ Donations and legacies, $89,008; Sales, $300,604; rents ,$l4,329; total for the year,$40:3,33l ,to which add bills payable, $1,911; balance of the sinkinfl fund account Show less
prodigal with its up- p1al]cS§IHl;dCbl‘&V'O$[. T1163 sOlO(i1stsM<;f evsenbilfnrg wer is car ' _i., rs. soon , .. in , . sricscii and nix’ \v'mt.n.-.~,-", all of whom added to their already well-establislied fame as lyric artists. TWO Dead Men. Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. ROCHESTER, PENN., May 15--The 130(1)’ Of an unknown man was found in the 0M0 RWCP 9-9 this place Show more prodigal with its up- p1al]cS§IHl;dCbl‘&V'O$[. T1163 sOlO(i1stsM<;f evsenbilfnrg wer is car ' _i., rs. soon , .. in , . sricscii and nix’ \v'mt.n.-.~,-", all of whom added to their already well-establislied fame as lyric artists. TWO Dead Men. Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. ROCHESTER, PENN., May 15--The 130(1)’ Of an unknown man was found in the 0M0 RWCP 9-9 this place Show less
digit!!!’ 0 UN to III! 3.“ 1,154." nu slab--v-in ‘glued on I-zuuznnnl m. '°'u“~IM To -I‘ ”1:“'"" ‘:5’ union. 0 usual. the sin:-Iuuu at man summit- rm, cg’ phcd con man; Unborn-, am. un..m.m mmnm to Men or made me. nun: wmm 1-mm. I-----I; ml-urw I . its 7%. . 1: In 11 Ian I [linden gold on use now £:''‘....'‘ .2’-...:::. ...-....-" I v . (.1o1.oi Show more digit!!!’ 0 UN to III! 3.“ 1,154." nu slab--v-in ‘glued on I-zuuznnnl m. '°'u“~IM To -I‘ ”1:“'"" ‘:5’ union. 0 usual. the sin:-Iuuu at man summit- rm, cg’ phcd con man; Unborn-, am. un..m.m mmnm to Men or made me. nun: wmm 1-mm. I-----I; ml-urw I . its 7%. . 1: In 11 Ian I [linden gold on use now £:''‘....'‘ .2’-...:::. ...-....-" I v . (.1o1.oi Show less
; of .‘.-alivl Thoiuna, .3 Elisa a filciuck. (' Kaod hflrr July 0.11:2 vinficraegsml tin-v Melt FEB if‘ I =19 I. I \vl'iI zicli. .|s.-rs .. L.--lnr-s iii a 9 t'|os' 1;. in. 5- AIR 6 (AL. {Jail balm s i'n.. '(i(s'5. VA.‘Jlliv2li\' UUIKT1 UAJXNIIY. NT“ \V|llIP K-‘I/INHH AKVWF l.4;-ia-. Jo!) I. H10. An x-Ixrll.-n luv vs»! II... 1».--ii. \D‘Il In in-Id rm ura- -Frencli Smm Show more; of .‘.-alivl Thoiuna, .3 Elisa a filciuck. (' Kaod hflrr July 0.11:2 vinficraegsml tin-v Melt FEB if‘ I =19 I. I \vl'iI zicli. .|s.-rs .. L.--lnr-s iii a 9 t'|os' 1;. in. 5- AIR 6 (AL. {Jail balm s i'n.. '(i(s'5. VA.‘Jlliv2li\' UUIKT1 UAJXNIIY. NT“ \V|llIP K-‘I/INHH AKVWF l.4;-ia-. Jo!) I. H10. An x-Ixrll.-n luv vs»! II... 1».--ii. \D‘Il In in-Id rm ura- -Frencli Smm Show less