The Tijuana & Tecate Railway (T&T) connected the western and eastern ends of the Southern Pacific's subsidiary, the San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway. The T&T's trackage and facilities were located solely in Mexico, and the T&T was a subsidiary of Southern Pacific until July 1, 1970.
The Globe-Democrat's high school athletes of 1974-75 gathered recently to swap stories and talk of future plans. They are (from left) Jerome Heavens of Assumption (football), Hazelwood East's Al Olmstead (baseball), Triad's Brad Droy (basketball) and Sumner's Oscar Harvey (track).
Discuss new downtown building: Robert A. Mueller, right, of Sverdrup Corp., discusses construction plans on the new 910 North Eleventh Building with two of the building's major tenant, Charles L. Cramer, left, of United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co. and Kennett C. Johnson, of Batz-Hodgson-Neuwoehner Inc. Sverdrup is designer and developer of the Convention Plaza buildings due for completion next spring.
A $48 million, 31-story office complex in downtown St. Louis, which would be the largest in Missouri, had been delayed again.
The reason: the owners are concerned about rising construction prices.
The office complex would provide hundreds of construction jobs and could be the key to further downtown development.
The building is planned by the First National Bank in St. Louis, International Business Machines Corp. and Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States for two-block area just west of Busch Memorial Stadium.