WASHINGTON, April 20, 187S. SEALED PROPOSALS, indorsed “Proposals for Beef Cattle, ’ ’ will be received at this office until 12 m., of Thursday, May 2, 1878 for 4,000,009 pounds of cod merchantable beef cattle on the hoof, for the Indian service at the Sautee, Yankton, Spotted Tail, Lower Brule, Crow Creek, Red Cloud, Cheyenne Riv- er and Standing Rock Indian Agencies; the first deliv- ery at ... Show more WASHINGTON, April 20, 187S. SEALED PROPOSALS, indorsed “Proposals for Beef Cattle, ’ ’ will be received at this office until 12 m., of Thursday, May 2, 1878 for 4,000,009 pounds of cod merchantable beef cattle on the hoof, for the Indian service at the Sautee, Yankton, Spotted Tail, Lower Brule, Crow Creek, Red Cloud, Cheyenne Riv- er and Standing Rock Indian Agencies; the first deliv- ery at each agency Show less
;"'.{:r.‘:_ -TE‘ "T "17: ::.‘4:.ru.‘3’4‘ 1;: ';.r_'7‘;}':1" .‘ , - On the first of January fifty thousand dollars ($50 00000 or ten thousand of St. Louis State of Missouri at the hour of 12m. , , , . . . , mation. She is about twenty -‘ears Of age and - .- h . h . 18%, 1S84i('.illt1)d lf(5185.h H b ' d b d d 1 t t Olflllidsf £10.00g). eV‘1;11l§le ,l‘(i§3elye,d a.t’cflt11i2e Show more;"'.{:r.‘:_ -TE‘ "T "17: ::.‘4:.ru.‘3’4‘ 1;: ';.r_'7‘;}':1" .‘ , - On the first of January fifty thousand dollars ($50 00000 or ten thousand of St. Louis State of Missouri at the hour of 12m. , , , . . . , mation. She is about twenty -‘ears Of age and - .- h . h . 18%, 1S84i('.illt1)d lf(5185.h H b ' d b d d 1 t t Olflllidsf £10.00g). eV‘1;11l§le ,l‘(i§3elye,d a.t’cflt11i2e Show less
, fishing and iinning. P. D. CARR QUE, ROCKY POINT HOTEL, NARRAGANSETT BAY, RHODE ISLAND. HIS well-known and 0 ular Summ r 1 JUNE 10, with all t epadvaiitagese 0fR t‘i:SIcl’lI:Sl.'(-)-516211;: hotel. The following reduced terms are offered for 1"?1'm3T1911t 811931381 $8 I9 "$12 per week; transient, $2 50 per day. The facilities for boating, bathing and hsliing are unsurpassed. . H Show more, fishing and iinning. P. D. CARR QUE, ROCKY POINT HOTEL, NARRAGANSETT BAY, RHODE ISLAND. HIS well-known and 0 ular Summ r 1 JUNE 10, with all t epadvaiitagese 0fR t‘i:SIcl’lI:Sl.'(-)-516211;: hotel. The following reduced terms are offered for 1"?1'm3T1911t 811931381 $8 I9 "$12 per week; transient, $2 50 per day. The facilities for boating, bathing and hsliing are unsurpassed. . H Show less
;s, Improved, _ [Solid bouunna. no soldered (emu over (he. an.) MANN Y & 00.. Manufacturers, 8'1‘. LOUIS. MO. Circulars nnd Colorcd Footer: Free. All of lllellluve are y of ll1eBesl Males, and Tllerefnra Worth Buying Msquiloflars Vvo are now 011' in 1 l complete llxfiatatgllg 1021.1.‘ and cat posslblc rates, FROM $11 50 Up. Frames In Allachlu Befllrom $1 Up Call and see. as we are closing out Show more;s, Improved, _ [Solid bouunna. no soldered (emu over (he. an.) MANN Y & 00.. Manufacturers, 8'1‘. LOUIS. MO. Circulars nnd Colorcd Footer: Free. All of lllellluve are y of ll1eBesl Males, and Tllerefnra Worth Buying Msquiloflars Vvo are now 011' in 1 l complete llxfiatatgllg 1021.1.‘ and cat posslblc rates, FROM $11 50 Up. Frames In Allachlu Befllrom $1 Up Call and see. as we are closing out Show less
_',_Jovj.ell, oiV___.Dnvlllo'. Vnddmued>'_tndn;n toi- lwo and is lull heart and in the .. niiornoon W.’ VII. Orr oi Philo, an on. ‘A _‘ ' Grand ester. 01 Springfield, made ’ ‘ . fl *I.’m*.em'm'_ or my Nntiorf ,, Aseoolntlomlv -in V l.'°.“19l.\ bore "_y¢Ili!r'<18:77 ‘Vim : losé ‘do9m;'d6?&l9¢,d ii": vle'_vr.oHh.o,.1ibmt.l 10!?“ *2-ma ..-.u:.d .amz2x Show more_',_Jovj.ell, oiV___.Dnvlllo'. Vnddmued>'_tndn;n toi- lwo and is lull heart and in the .. niiornoon W.’ VII. Orr oi Philo, an on. ‘A _‘ ' Grand ester. 01 Springfield, made ’ ‘ . fl *I.’m*.em'm'_ or my Nntiorf ,, Aseoolntlomlv -in V l.'°.“19l.\ bore "_y¢Ili!r'<18:77 ‘Vim : losé ‘do9m;'d6?&l9¢,d ii": vle'_vr.oHh.o,.1ibmt.l 10!?“ *2-ma ..-.u:.d .amz2x Show less
;bItutbes§'eao¢ko£Coooaéa;i.n4a PAFW-N‘B R0 K**-ER e ~n.*'‘t...."*.i.,:".:.':;.°‘.°' “- ' 9 V ' ' kg aggmuoentu .-; SQOAHD 8213 1.00081‘ 8'1‘. .- " Watches. w‘Jewen-'y.- ' seating It is delldcuo. Slliierlialillee-‘Til-s,Dsy sit —_f.‘-iliedsrmsiicsplfslg "—. use in county.-2.1.-."y. lrelnasct—1frade Depression in sin- ~ "gland. - caiiemeu Ai Show more;bItutbes§'eao¢ko£Coooaéa;i.n4a PAFW-N‘B R0 K**-ER e ~n.*'‘t...."*.i.,:".:.':;.°‘.°' “- ' 9 V ' ' kg aggmuoentu .-; SQOAHD 8213 1.00081‘ 8'1‘. .- " Watches. w‘Jewen-'y.- ' seating It is delldcuo. Slliierlialillee-‘Til-s,Dsy sit —_f.‘-iliedsrmsiicsplfslg "—. use in county.-2.1.-."y. lrelnasct—1frade Depression in sin- ~ "gland. - caiiemeu Ai Show less