'ers‘n.tlonn.l m'gum_ t to con- vince the reader‘ that ,6o2,_V 6'04, -606 Franklt’-n ave-“ mw through to 827 N. - Sixth Street, ' IS St. Louis’ ciidice plain»: to buy Sam1s,Riii011s;, V Hais,> P11111133 .i11lF1nwers. ~ Stock, Style and Price ail adver- title to the Wbrld this indisputable V mot. L ‘ VVo would call particular attem- tion to the_ immenpo line 01 flneo‘.-" ,‘ . quality Ostrich Show more'ers‘n.tlonn.l m'gum_ t to con- vince the reader‘ that ,6o2,_V 6'04, -606 Franklt’-n ave-“ mw through to 827 N. - Sixth Street, ' IS St. Louis’ ciidice plain»: to buy Sam1s,Riii011s;, V Hais,> P11111133 .i11lF1nwers. ~ Stock, Style and Price ail adver- title to the Wbrld this indisputable V mot. L ‘ VVo would call particular attem- tion to the_ immenpo line 01 flneo‘.-" ,‘ . quality Ostrich Show less
"Factory at 4251 Forest Park Boulevard leased by the Milius Shoe Company. The building, which contains 30,000 square feet of floor space, will be used by the shoe company to supplement operations in its main plant at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and O'Fallon streets. J.M. Groves of the Griffith & McMillan Real Estate Company handled the lease."
CHAMBER 01-‘ COMMERCE BIILDING. $2 50 Invested will buy or sell 5 00 Invest-ed will buy or sell 1000 Invested will buy Or sell 2000 Invested will buy or sell 30 oo Invested will buy or sell 6,000 buswviieat 40 00 Invested will buy Or sell 8,000 bus.Wheat 50 00 Invested will buy or sell 10,000 bus.Whea,t 10000 Invested will buy or sell 20,000 bus. ‘meat 500 b\s. Wheat 1,000 bis. \VlIeat 2,000.. Show more CHAMBER 01-‘ COMMERCE BIILDING. $2 50 Invested will buy or sell 5 00 Invest-ed will buy or sell 1000 Invested will buy Or sell 2000 Invested will buy or sell 30 oo Invested will buy or sell 6,000 buswviieat 40 00 Invested will buy Or sell 8,000 bus.Wheat 50 00 Invested will buy or sell 10,000 bus.Whea,t 10000 Invested will buy or sell 20,000 bus. ‘meat 500 b\s. Wheat 1,000 bis. \VlIeat 2,000 bu Show less
r VOL. 3——N0. 352. $1. Ififiam O 8'1‘. rooms, MONDAY Momrmo, MAY 13, 1373. @luhe~*i£enw1:rat.* *1 PRICE FIVE CENTS. MEN’S UNDERWEAR! LIBGESISPHCKSINDLBWESI PBICES.I1ITHEWE8'f. ' WILSON BROTH ERS. - 408 North Fourth EL. St. Lenin. oarmaoo um. ESTATE. . mmm at tho ?rwo-amy Brick nwenmx no. 1929 mxnonrn srnnm. with lot 95:11:51-za to on Anny. ox THURSDAY, MAY 10. L Show morer VOL. 3——N0. 352. $1. Ififiam O 8'1‘. rooms, MONDAY Momrmo, MAY 13, 1373. @luhe~*i£enw1:rat.* *1 PRICE FIVE CENTS. MEN’S UNDERWEAR! LIBGESISPHCKSINDLBWESI PBICES.I1ITHEWE8'f. ' WILSON BROTH ERS. - 408 North Fourth EL. St. Lenin. oarmaoo um. ESTATE. . mmm at tho ?rwo-amy Brick nwenmx no. 1929 mxnonrn srnnm. with lot 95:11:51-za to on Anny. ox THURSDAY, MAY 10. L Show less
digit!!!’ 0 UN to III! 3.“ 1,154." nu slab--v-in ‘glued on I-zuuznnnl m. '°'u“~IM To -I‘ ”1:“'"" ‘:5’ union. 0 usual. the sin:-Iuuu at man summit- rm, cg’ phcd con man; Unborn-, am. un..m.m mmnm to Men or made me. nun: wmm 1-mm. I-----I; ml-urw I . its 7%. . 1: In 11 Ian I [linden gold on use now £:''‘....'‘ .2’-...:::. ...-....-" I v . (.1o1.oi Show more digit!!!’ 0 UN to III! 3.“ 1,154." nu slab--v-in ‘glued on I-zuuznnnl m. '°'u“~IM To -I‘ ”1:“'"" ‘:5’ union. 0 usual. the sin:-Iuuu at man summit- rm, cg’ phcd con man; Unborn-, am. un..m.m mmnm to Men or made me. nun: wmm 1-mm. I-----I; ml-urw I . its 7%. . 1: In 11 Ian I [linden gold on use now £:''‘....'‘ .2’-...:::. ...-....-" I v . (.1o1.oi Show less