Gold coin with face of an elephant and reads, "Honesty, Integrity." Reverse of coin features the backside of a donkey and reads, "Mink, 5%, Deep Freeze, Tax Scandal" used in opposition to the Harry S. Truman administration.
Stud back, dark metal button in the shape of an elephant with "Coolidge" written along the side of the elephant's body in promotion of President Calvin Coolidge's 1924 presidential campaign.
7/8-inch pin back, white button with black and white portraits of President Calvin Coolidge and running mate, Charles G. Dawes encased in ovals for their 1924 campaign. Reverse has paperback label for The Whitehead and Hoag Company (Newark, N.J.)
7/8-inch pin back button with black and white portrait of presidential candidate, John W. Davis for his 1924 campaign. Reverse has paperback label for The Whitehead and Hoag Company (Newark, N.J.)
Bronze, circular button with profile portraits of Robert M La Follette and Burton K. Wheeler. Pin used in Follette's 1924 presidential campaign. Reverse button has inscriptions for Green Duck Company (Chicago, Il.)
3 inches by 10 3/4 inches unused white vinyl bumper sticker with red and blue letters. In the middle there are red and blue letters spelling "marco rubio" with the "rubio" part blue and with a red continental United States over the "i" in place of the dot. Beneath are red letters spelling "A NEW AMREICAN CENTURY". 3 inches by 10 3/4 inches unused.
3 3/4 inches by 11 inches unused white vinyl bumper sticker with blue and red writing. There are blue and red letters spelling "democracy: some assembly required". The "democracy" part is the only blue and has white starts inside the letters. At the bottom there are blue letters spelling " 1-866-GOT-VOTE?".
7/8-inch, pin back button with red white and blue sections divided equally like a pie with the words "Coolidge Dawes Club" written on it in promotion of President Calvin Coolidge's 1924 presidential campaign. Reverse has label for Geraghty & Company (Chicago, Il.)
7/8-inch, white, pin back button featuring blue monochromatic portrait of President Herbert Hoover with the words "Hoover for President" written in blue, used in promotion of Hoover's 1928 presidential campaign. Reverse has paperback label for Saint Louis Button Company (Saint Louis, Mo.)
7/8-inch, pin back button with white text reading, "Speed Recovery, Re-Elect Hoover" with a red and blue background. Reverse has label for Greenduck Company (Chicago, Il.)
7/8-inch, white, pin back button in red, white and blue with the word, "HOOVER" in blue across the white stripe. Reverse has label for Green Duck Company (Chicago, Il.)
This collection documents the career of James Godwin Scott (1931-2015), from the watercolors he produced in St. Louis of life along the Mississippi River - both urban and rural - and other scenes of the city's development, to the dramatic abstract acrylic paintings of his later career in Arizona. Accompanying the paintings are letters, clippings, sketchbooks and other paper ephemera related to
The first page of this program indicates the event, the Meritorious Public Service awards. On the next page is the dinner menu, the music, and the sponsoring club presidents. Third is the presentation program. On the back of the program is the list of recipients.
The first page of the program titles the event, and gives the sponsors. On the inside of the first page is a hand-written note. The first inner page is the dinner menu, and next is the list of award winners. The presentation program is next and there's a more in-depth description of the award winners.
A brochure from the Missouri Pacific Railroad advertising fares between their lines and the East via Slumbercoaches with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.