Antique wood from this old barn on a park site acquired by the city of Bridgeton will be traded for drawings of former city mayors. James D. Pigg, owner of a custom frame shop in Maryland Heights, approached the city with the proposal several months ago. The city counsel is in the process of approving the agreement. Pigg will sell the wood to other artists.
The graciously inviting tree-shaded Bel-Ridge Park House, which overlooks two small lakes in lake Arrowhead Park, will be among eight homes on the house tour which is annually sponsored in conjunction with "Fete de Normandie." The tour was conducted from noon until 5 pm on Sunday, September 19.
Image depicts the century old Payne-Gentry home at 4211 Fee Fee Rd in Bridgeton being restored by the Bridgeton Historical Commission. The one story, red brick cottage housed Dr. William Elbridge Payne's office (door on the right) where patients came for care at all hours of the night. Donations were made to the City of Bridgeton Historical Fund and tours of the house were arranged through the Historical Commission chairman, Doris Baruzzini.
Receiving instructions from Mrs. Marie Jalageas, Spelling Bee director, are the eight finalists of the afternoon session. Seated are Richard Richards and Jill Probus; standing, Roger Engler, Stephen Krupp, Don Orf, Nick Blumhorst, Rhonda Ruth and Kathy White.
Afternoon winners in the spelling bee were, from left, Roberta Knoblauch, Andrea Britton, Gary Consolino, Ann Piening, William Lester, Charles Szczepanik, Rebecca Schrodt and Susan McWhorter.
"Afternoon session winners of the spelling bee. From left in front are Kathy Ernst, Margie Kissel, Susan Moss and James Radi. In back, Johnnie May Byrd, Keith Hopkins, Sally Shoemaker, Bill Scroggin and Al Wilson, judge."
Winners of the afternoon session of the Spelling Bee view prizes that will be awarded at the final session May 6. From left, are Jeff Jackson, Matt Fels, Beth Carver, Amy Dauber, Jean Norfleet, Margaret Zlatic, Rosemary Feurer and Glanda Allen.
Top spellers in the morning session of the Spelling Bee, from left, are Marcie O'Mara, Roschell Nelson, Sally Stephan, Linda Gonzalez, Kathy Wilmering, John O'Connell, Jim Molini and Neal Rothermich. Prizes to be awarded to the local winner are in front.
Winners in the afternoon session of the Spelling Bee are, sitting from left, Timothy Kalinowshi, Sandra Schmidt and David Harris. Standing, from left, are Debbie Shrum, David smith, Daryl Page, Stuart McKee and Elvin Harms Jr.
Winners of the afternoon session of Saturday's quarter-finals in the National Spelling Bee, from left are, Anne Allgood, Dall Davis, Jean Vidmar, Albert Umbertino, Jeanne Klasek, Nick Blumhorst, Denise Hoertel and Mary Elizabeth Meadows.
The winners of the Saturday morning quarter-final round of the National Spelling Bee check prizes awaiting the eventual area champion. From left, are Anne Rosen, Mary Beth Herzog, Stephen Krupp, Susan hull, Vicki Woehlke, Karen McCauley, matt Bauer and Mary Ellen Droege.
The winners of the Saturday morning quarter-final round of the Spelling Bee are congratulated by the pronouncer Brad Harrison. From left; Nancy Geuss, Janet Evansco, Cheryl Begeman, Carolyn Mitchell, Tim Meinzen, Laura Nelson, Doug Dripps and Sarah Norvell.
Winners of the morning session of the Globe-Democrat -- KTVI Spelling Bee. From left, in front, are Edna O'Brien, Patrick Farrell, Karen Barnard and Cathy Brewer. In second row: Barbara Baser, Paul Stratil, Kathi Shaw and Janine Pope.
Afternoon winners--front: Marie Migneco, Lisa Ann Gutierrez, Carolyn Tochtrop, James Bogowith. Back: Brenda Cooper, Kathi Kemper, Michael Graf, Linda Mosley.
Winners in the morning session of the quarter-finals of the Spelling bee, from left, are: Robert Scherrer, Della Bergadine, Frank Corley, Joseph Patterson, Carol Wesolik, Michael Thornburgh, Jay Knehans and Terri Knight; Johnnie Walters, KTVI-TV personality, the pronouncer, and Al Wilson, principal of Emerson School, Granite City, the judge.