Ceremonies in front of Black Jack City Hall for Freedom Tree Rededication. Image shows Allen Quinn, 10th District Commander, of the American Legion, salutes as an Army color guard passes and Taps are played. Also participating in the ceremony were members of the scouting organizations, area clergymen and city officials. The tree in the photo appears to have a blue tint to it.
"Marchers in the Veterans Day parade in Belleville move east along Main Street toward the square. The parade was only one of many in the Metro-East area."
"Refugees who found a haven in the St. Louis area partake of a Thanksgiving dinner at the International Institute of Metropolitan St. Louis Wednesday." They are served by International Institute volunteer Anna Peterson at 3800 Park.
"Come and get it! This paper gobbler beckoned East St. Louis' needy to a free Thanksgiving feast Thursday at Cosgrove's Kitchen, run by the St. Vincent De Paul Society."