Winners in the morning session of the quarter-finals of the Spelling bee, from left, are: Robert Scherrer, Della Bergadine, Frank Corley, Joseph Patterson, Carol Wesolik, Michael Thornburgh, Jay Knehans and Terri Knight; Johnnie Walters, KTVI-TV personality, the pronouncer, and Al Wilson, principal of Emerson School, Granite City, the judge.
In this photo, there are nine men lined up along a sidewalk in the Seven-Up aprons holding the Newsboys edition newspaper. Each man is dressed in a suit, with the third from the left wearing a hat.
Director Shirley K. Walsh uses a Duso Kit, bought through a grant from last year's Old Newsboys Day drive, to introduce Kelly Kochery, Daniel Eakins and Suzy Albrecht to the wonders of books and pictures at the Arlington Preschool in Berkeley."
"An issue of Friday's Globe-Democrat lies atop the time capsule that was sealed during the transfer of governance ceremony Friday. The items on the table were also put in the capsule."
"St. Louis area women's clubs were presented awards for community service at the annual Globe-Democrat Club Leadership Awards luncheon Friday. From left are Mrs. Fred Karches, president of the Eighth District, Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs, who accepted the second-place award on behalf of South County Junior Women's Club; Mrs. Floyd Winer, president of the Tuesday Contemporary Club, Ellisville, first place; Mrs. M.S. Binzel, president of the Monday Club of Webster Groves, third place."
This photo shows eight contestants from the Globe-Democrat Spelling Bee in 1970. Each is wearing a name tag around their neck that indicates their name, age, school, and hometown. The ones possible to read are from both Missouri and Illinois. They're standing in front of a sign that reads, "Globe-Democrat KTVI Channel 2/Spelling Bee".
This photo shows eight contestants from the Globe-Democrat Spelling Bee in 1970. Each is wearing a name tag around their neck that indicates their name, age, school, and hometown. The ones possible to read are from both Missouri and Illinois. They're standing in front of a sign that reads, "Globe-Democrat KTVI Channel 2/Spelling Bee".
"The afternoon winners in bottom photo, are, front row, from left, Dall Davis, David Smith, Brian Wallace and Mark Gaydos. Back row, from left, are Robert McCarthy, Linda Duchnowski, James White and Joseph Schweiss." The winners are in front of Globe-Democrat-KTVI sign. Each is wearing a name tag that includes their name, age, school, and hometown.
"Winners of the morning session. From left, in front: Sandra Kenney, Bruce Helmkamp, Mary Kay Gelfand and James Orr. Back, Darrell Kinsey, Donald Mangogna, Tim Grosch and Mark Edgley." The winners have name tags hanging around their necks that have their name, age, school, and hometown written them. Their personal information is written underneath "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee".
The winners of the Saturday morning quarter-final round of the Spelling Bee are congratulated by the pronouncer Brad Harrison. From left; Nancy Geuss, Janet Evansco, Cheryl Begeman, Carolyn Mitchell, Tim Meinzen, Laura Nelson, Doug Dripps and Sarah Norvell.
"The Columbia, Ill., Jaycees will be selling the Old Newsboys edition of The Globe-Democrat on Tuesday. Members pictured are, from left, Craig Foster, Terry Kempf, Mike Buechler, Ralph Rahn, Mike Lawlor and Coordinating Chairman Clem Kuehner." All of them are wearing a Seven-Up apron and holding a newspaper.
"Examining diseased elm tree west on Muny Opera stage are, left, William Zalken, Muny Opera manager, Louis W. Buckowitz, director of parks, recreation and forestry, and G.F. Griesenauer, city landscape architect."