Spelling Bee Semifinalists -- Four boys and 12 girls from the St. Louis area outspelled 136 other contestants Saturday in the first quarterfinal rounds of the 27th annual Spelling Bee sponsored by The Globe-Democrat. This photo shows winners from the morning session. They are, from the left in the first row, Carolyn Kruczynski, Sandy Wirtel, Mike Bimler and Nicole Takahashi. In the back row, from
Spelling Bee Semifinalists -- Four boys and 12 girls from the St. Louis area outspelled 136 contestants Saturday in the first quarterfinal rounds of the 27th annual Spelling Bee sponsored by The Globe-Democrat. These are the winners from the afternoon session. They are, in the front row from left, Anne Mannion, Alan Sheehy, Marty Smith, and Matthew Gutting. In the back row from left, Laura Adkins
Winning Spellers -- Sixteen more champion spellers from the St. Louis area have gained spots in the 27th annual Spelling Bee sponsored by The Globe-Democrat. They are, front row, from left, Joan Caldwell, Ann Newman, Gina Cattalini and Breck Washam. Back row, Barbara O'Brien, Mark Kemna, Maureen Ringling and Kris Setina.
Winning Spellers -- Sixteen more champion spellers from the St. Louis area have gained spots in the 27th annual Spelling Bee sponsored by The Globe-Democrat. They are, from left, Darren Snow, Jill Anderson, Mary Fitzgerald, Larry State, Le Ann Johnson, Ann Galutera, Susan Ann Gutierrez and Karen Girshner.
KWK's Television Antenna, twice as tall at the 40-foot "clover leaf" antenna once used for FM broadcasting, will go up on the Globe-Democrat Tower Building at Twelfth and Cole streets. Workmen are shown as they strung cable and telephone lines to the top of the 500-foot tower yesterday preparatory to dismantling that FM antenna portion and replacing it with an 80-foot "bat wing" antenna for TV.
Dressed for Bicentennial: The Globe-Democrat newspaper vending machine outside The Globe-Democrat building gets new paint job to honor the Bicentennial.
From left: Mrs. Frank A. Frawley, Community Responsibility; Miss Helen Graves, Fine Arts; Mrs. Gilbert Harris, Civic Service, Miss Louise Knapp, Education; Mrs. Clay E. Jordan, Lifetime
From left: Mrs. C. Oscar Lamy, Social Service; Mrs. Elbert Leaders, Homemaker; Mrs. Holton R. Price Jr., Youth Leadership, and Mrs. Chadbourne Taylor, Community Welfare. Missing from the picture is Mrs. Frank E. Pelton Jr., Creative Philanthropy
Sixteen more St. Louis area youngsters have reached the semifinal round of the 26th annual Spelling Bee sponsored by The Globe Democrat. The 16 spellers survived quarterfinal competition Saturday in two sessions at the J.C. Penney auditorium at the University of Missouri at St. Louis. Some 160 students competed. The morning session winners are: front row from left, Rene Bean, Jimmy Powers, Jill
Finalists in Saturday's Spelling Bee, front row from left: Maureen Corbett, Janice Chrum and Linda Fennewald; back row from left: Scott Rubin, Robbie Stagner, Kirk Shipley and Carl Power. Standing in back is Nico Garcia-Otero. Maureen Corbett, 14, became the local spelling bee champion in the final round of The Globe-Democrat Spelling Bee competition Saturday afternoon.
Jefferson City, MO (15 May 1982) part of the military award recipients in the rotunda of the Missouri State Capitol building, Jefferson City, Missouri.
K. Leslie Gillam, 10 years old, wanted to know from his mother (Dorris Gillam) when his father S.F.C. Kermit Gillam was getting his award. The Family is from Potosi, MO.
These well know St. Louisans are up to their necks in the task of examining some of the thousands of entries in the Globe-Democrat's "Famous Names" contest. They will certify the winning entries within a few days. They are, left to right: Frank C. Hamilton, president of the St. Louis Advertising Club; Thomas N. Dysart, president of the St. louis Chamber of Commerce; James J. Fitzgerald, president of the Board of Education; Mayor Dickman, and nelson R. Darragh, president of the Better Business Bureau.
Steel-rimmed wooden truck tires and steel-rimmed wagon wheels rolled into service yesterday at the loading platform at the 1133 Franklin avenue when the Globe-Democrat inaugurated a new system of delivery to solve the rubber tire shortage. The vehicles are loaded with magazines for today's editions of the Globe-Democrat.
Bettendorf-Rapp Display at the Globe-Democrat Modern Living Show attracts considerable attention from the thousands of visitors attending the fifth annual show at Kiel Auditorium. The show, open from noon to 10:15 p.m., ends Saturday.
Crowd gathers at Modern Living Show around Jim Denker of the Cottage Bakery in St. Charles, as he demonstrates the art of icing a cake in the Master Retail bakers booth. Cakes were later auctioned for the benefit of the Cripples Children's Society.