This photo shows eight contestants from the Globe-Democrat Spelling Bee in 1970. Each is wearing a name tag around their neck that indicates their name, age, school, and hometown. The ones possible to read are from both Missouri and Illinois. They're standing in front of a sign that reads, "Globe-Democrat KTVI Channel 2/Spelling Bee".
This photo shows eight contestants from the Globe-Democrat Spelling Bee in 1970. Each is wearing a name tag around their neck that indicates their name, age, school, and hometown. The ones possible to read are from both Missouri and Illinois. They're standing in front of a sign that reads, "Globe-Democrat KTVI Channel 2/Spelling Bee".
"The afternoon winners in bottom photo, are, front row, from left, Dall Davis, David Smith, Brian Wallace and Mark Gaydos. Back row, from left, are Robert McCarthy, Linda Duchnowski, James White and Joseph Schweiss." The winners are in front of Globe-Democrat-KTVI sign. Each is wearing a name tag that includes their name, age, school, and hometown.
This photo shows one or two soldiers squatted near destroyed homes in the rubble of their destruction. The photo is taken from the edge of the road, and the road curves to the left as it continues through the photo. Houses in shambles line the road on the right, whereas there is only one visible house on the left.
"Examining diseased elm tree west on Muny Opera stage are, left, William Zalken, Muny Opera manager, Louis W. Buckowitz, director of parks, recreation and forestry, and G.F. Griesenauer, city landscape architect."
In this photo, a large amount of horse-drawn wagons and vehicles heading away from the viewer. They are merging onto one road from the left of the photo as they move beyond dilapidated buildings. There are soldiers at the front of the foreground looking at the camera.
pedestrian plaza will front the length of the building along Broadway with seating areas and changing displays of flowers. The granite base will totally conceal approximately 1,000 parking spaces on seven levels, four of which will "wrap" around the lobby."
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of William H. Taft. "William H. Taft" is written at the bottom of the button in white lettering. Button has paper label on reverse for Allied Printing Trades Council, Newark and Whitehead & Hoag Co., Newark.