"View of patio-court between No. 30 and No. 20 Plaza Square, looks east to No. 20, with roof of Kiel Auditorium and new Federal Building under construction at right. There is surface parking on either side of the patio-court, which features a lily pond in the center and lattice shaded benches."
"New Plaza shopping center construction begins at Seventeenth and Pine streets. Was started Thursday as a bulldozer of the R. E. Harder Construction Company, driven by George Kimmel, began excavating."
Seventy-five new apartments have been erected just west of LaClede Town, foreground, and are expected to be ready for occupancy in the late spring or early summer. The apartments are part of Operation Breakthrough and the LaClede Town Corp. is to be the rental agent. Compton avenue is in the foreground and Laclede avenue is at the left in this aerial view.