This typescript is one of the first detailed accounts of the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. The account was written on December 8, 1941 by the Commanding Officer of the Naval Air Station, Kaneohe Bay to the Commandant of the Fourteenth Naval District, and then forwarded on to "All Stations, Ships, and Units Concerned with Aircraft" on December 16th.
"Windows of the new Boatmen's Tower form a modernistic pattern for downtowners to ponder. The 22 story building, nearing completion, is at 4th and Pine Streets."
"Fire engine red" may be a thing of the past, along with a lot of other associations of danger and the color red. This fire engine, part of the Affton Fire Department's equipment, is yellow.
Image depicts Affton Historical Society members showing some of the objects to be auctioned at the French basket picnic to be held Saturday, September 10, at Oakland, the historic Benoist home. From left to right standing are Judy Munn, auction chairwoman, and Hilda "Larry" Reindley, in charge of tickets and reservations. Seated are Mrs. Edna Beezley, Oscar Crecelius, honorary chairmen, and
1115/16 inches by 8 7/8 inches white music sheet with cover page. The cover page is white with blue and red letters. At the top is blue letters spelling "A MARCH TO EISENHOWER". Beneath the title are blue letters spelling "WORDS BY HIRAM D. HIRSH MUSIC BY JEWEL M. FRANK". There is an American flag on a pole in the center of the page. Next to the flag are red letters spelling "Souvenir of