offer 2 bales more of Shaped and Striped Home Blnnketa—beet goods 1n the market, 750 each. ' - ' . Also 10 be.les'a.aaorted Horse Coyere, ranging $1.00 up to $7.50——a1l 4 very much below former pnc . - — ,. . We have put inthie sale 5 bales of our regular $1.00 Oomborte. full nine , endpweight. at 760 each. ‘ , I ’_ 25‘ “etc tto Comf ts 'l1be ff ed. _hi w ztnrantee, - , baa1a Show more offer 2 bales more of Shaped and Striped Home Blnnketa—beet goods 1n the market, 750 each. ' - ' . Also 10 be.les'a.aaorted Horse Coyere, ranging $1.00 up to $7.50——a1l 4 very much below former pnc . - — ,. . We have put inthie sale 5 bales of our regular $1.00 Oomborte. full nine , endpweight. at 760 each. ‘ , I ’_ 25‘ “etc tto Comf ts 'l1be ff ed. _hi w ztnrantee, - , baa1a Show less
and -anti. .10 y mtoiin. » lrhu - zip:-it-roednal-1,: ninth "manor. You I" . 1.. at .Low.\r. 91.13. 2. l.nom.~:sosi. u._n. '.!7KP5133ll§'IiI1iI_JtI;‘n win on non." S'§Jjiff,'."‘~S’fieélfié A 7 sum. Gm. iiolii rronr'£u'ton.~ Sold as; 11ICI*I.&.1i;l)S()N . 82; ' 0'0. sci nmni ud neon: tum-xi . -, onloll. " ’- . . V " ‘V ~61? W Show more and -anti. .10 y mtoiin. » lrhu - zip:-it-roednal-1,: ninth "manor. You I" . 1.. at .Low.\r. 91.13. 2. l.nom.~:sosi. u._n. '.!7KP5133ll§'IiI1iI_JtI;‘n win on non." S'§Jjiff,'."‘~S’fieélfié A 7 sum. Gm. iiolii rronr'£u'ton.~ Sold as; 11ICI*I.&.1i;l)S()N . 82; ' 0'0. sci nmni ud neon: tum-xi . -, onloll. " ’- . . V " ‘V ~61? W Show less
swam quru. ACTION. | n 20 Numb: rs. A complete Suuplo Cull. tor trlnl. by giloarcccipz M30 or an bunplu Card of )0 of the Leading Blylantol‘ 1:-lad.on uulgIol10 co-nu. lvlsoll, BLAKEMAN. TAYLOR & Co. 138 and 140 Grand In-cot. New York. 1*«*n:z.E WORKS: and campaign Goods- .l\c‘tarorSchalorI'1n.nh Band for tuna- uncodcau oeu 3 F’u118tock,1"lN-W‘ol’bI g Torch. . ‘mos: & oo.,; GARTSIDE Show more swam quru. ACTION. | n 20 Numb: rs. A complete Suuplo Cull. tor trlnl. by giloarcccipz M30 or an bunplu Card of )0 of the Leading Blylantol‘ 1:-lad.on uulgIol10 co-nu. lvlsoll, BLAKEMAN. TAYLOR & Co. 138 and 140 Grand In-cot. New York. 1*«*n:z.E WORKS: and campaign Goods- .l\c‘tarorSchalorI'1n.nh Band for tuna- uncodcau oeu 3 F’u118tock,1"lN-W‘ol’bI g Torch. . ‘mos: & oo.,; GARTSIDE Show less