9' EHMSAHE 30 [IA n 0100001000010 llil 0000011000 flan? mm, ::>::‘scO“UN'I'S ARE: " smiles. -. - - - -2 per cent lllliays; : .1 o.'llegular llnulis-_- -5 per cent ill days; M5 M Lewis 7' I pbercenl 30 days. 5ler,cem 30ilays. M. N,DAUGHAflAY &Bfl. A Slicccesors to DODD, BIKOXVVN 8.: 00. ii iii, Hair‘ ll & -la‘ ,. mhnomgcruiuxns or _ ‘ * " 1 illll ll, Wm Show more9' EHMSAHE 30 [IA n 0100001000010 llil 0000011000 flan? mm, ::>::‘scO“UN'I'S ARE: " smiles. -. - - - -2 per cent lllliays; : .1 o.'llegular llnulis-_- -5 per cent ill days; M5 M Lewis 7' I pbercenl 30 days. 5ler,cem 30ilays. M. N,DAUGHAflAY &Bfl. A Slicccesors to DODD, BIKOXVVN 8.: 00. ii iii, Hair‘ ll & -la‘ ,. mhnomgcruiuxns or _ ‘ * " 1 illll ll, Wm Show less
and -anti. .10 y mtoiin. » lrhu - zip:-it-roednal-1,: ninth "manor. You I" . 1.. at .Low.\r. 91.13. 2. l.nom.~:sosi. u._n. '.!7KP5133ll§'IiI1iI_JtI;na.ai:‘n win on non." S'§Jjiff,'."‘~S’fieélfié A 7 sum. Gm. iiolii rronr'£u'ton.~ Sold as; 11ICI*I.&.1i;l)S()N . 82; ' 0'0. sci nmni ud neon: tum-xi . -, onloll. " ’- . . V " ‘V ~61? W Show more and -anti. .10 y mtoiin. » lrhu - zip:-it-roednal-1,: ninth "manor. You I" . 1.. at .Low.\r. 91.13. 2. l.nom.~:sosi. u._n. '.!7KP5133ll§'IiI1iI_JtI;na.ai:‘n win on non." S'§Jjiff,'."‘~S’fieélfié A 7 sum. Gm. iiolii rronr'£u'ton.~ Sold as; 11ICI*I.&.1i;l)S()N . 82; ' 0'0. sci nmni ud neon: tum-xi . -, onloll. " ’- . . V " ‘V ~61? W Show less
. Mu-yl. J<-non and Mrs. H. 3inlliA_ml. 1'r1'lu:i:.ul.l. p-mmi by I iuzea cbrpa or l'roix-xroro. {ho 2m anmxui lcrm will colmncucc Eflllcmbcr Kt-Lb. Lir- uzlsh so oi on s mulunou. I’cn11sylva11ia MILITARY ACADEMY, "'\l-iltrlillil. l’A.. opens srnmmlwr 1:5» 0"“ 1019*- lmmylnz, Chm-nmry. K.‘-in-loo sud Eufiufim 1"?" 1:9 conlrrrqd. For cu-culnn. willy to Juoc Show more. Mu-yl. J<-non and Mrs. H. 3inlliA_ml. 1'r1'lu:i:.ul.l. p-mmi by I iuzea cbrpa or l'roix-xroro. {ho 2m anmxui lcrm will colmncucc Eflllcmbcr Kt-Lb. Lir- uzlsh so oi on s mulunou. I’cn11sylva11ia MILITARY ACADEMY, "'\l-iltrlillil. l’A.. opens srnmmlwr 1:5» 0"“ 1019*- lmmylnz, Chm-nmry. K.‘-in-loo sud Eufiufim 1"?" 1:9 conlrrrqd. For cu-culnn. willy to Juoc Show less
Embroideries at 5 Cents a. yard; worth 8 1—3c. ' ‘. \ AND 500 pieces Embroiderlcs at 01-2 Cents a yard; worth 10:3. 500 pieces Embroiderles at 8 1-3 Cents 3 yard; worth 121-20. d. K . 500 pieces Embroidcrics at 10 Cents n. yo.rd;wo1-th '171-243. 5 | N E D H N 500 pieces Embroldcrlcs at '121-2 Cents 9. yard; worth 200. ' I 500 pieces Embroidcries at 15 Cents :1 yard; worth 250; 500 Show more Embroideries at 5 Cents a. yard; worth 8 1—3c. ' ‘. \ AND 500 pieces Embroiderlcs at 01-2 Cents a yard; worth 10:3. 500 pieces Embroiderles at 8 1-3 Cents 3 yard; worth 121-20. d. K . 500 pieces Embroidcrics at 10 Cents n. yo.rd;wo1-th '171-243. 5 | N E D H N 500 pieces Embroldcrlcs at '121-2 Cents 9. yard; worth 200. ' I 500 pieces Embroidcries at 15 Cents :1 yard; worth 250; 500 Show less
_'lll:ll 27', 1880, at 10 O'clock ll. m. The nle oi llootun will he pluvrl-ncd hy the ammo rules As ll(£l'1l\‘)f0l’V. 8:0 cash is to be laid on lxlddltxg on each Bwllt. tuld the but-.ou;o on or micro Wainwr- eisruvculng. htslztmllocr 11. llrlzenltnlutlu will be sen-'r:d nu ma ’lrhl=ml. cs 0. h.Al.ll. hlcrulxry. r. ll. LLRIJAM. Allcuoncér. Wii12v'1'1c.1>, 120.1: CASH, A LOT Show more_'lll:ll 27', 1880, at 10 O'clock ll. m. The nle oi llootun will he pluvrl-ncd hy the ammo rules As ll(£l'1l\‘)f0l’V. 8:0 cash is to be laid on lxlddltxg on each Bwllt. tuld the but-.ou;o on or micro Wainwr- eisruvculng. htslztmllocr 11. llrlzenltnlutlu will be sen-'r:d nu ma ’lrhl=ml. cs 0. h.Al.ll. hlcrulxry. r. ll. LLRIJAM. Allcuoncér. Wii12v'1'1c.1>, 120.1: CASH, A LOT Show less
"Breaking ground for an $800,000 addition to the Edwin F. Guth Company is Mayor Raymond R. Tucker. Edwin F. Guth Jr., president of the lighting equipment firm, is second from right in the group looking on."