Bettendorf-Rapp Display at the Globe-Democrat Modern Living Show attracts considerable attention from the thousands of visitors attending the fifth annual show at Kiel Auditorium. The show, open from noon to 10:15 p.m., ends Saturday.
Crowd gathers at Modern Living Show around Jim Denker of the Cottage Bakery in St. Charles, as he demonstrates the art of icing a cake in the Master Retail bakers booth. Cakes were later auctioned for the benefit of the Cripples Children's Society.
H. E. Wuertenbaecker Jr., vice president, marketing, for Union Electric, presents portable color tv set to Mrs. Marguerite Bauer, 201 Dana dr., Collinsville. Mrs. Bauer, a teacher at Summit Elementary School, Collinsville, won the set in a contest conducted daily at the Union Electric booth at The Globe-Democrat's Modern Living Show.
A photograph of the Southern Pacific East Yard Control Tower in San Antonio, Texas. The photograph was taken by John Stein on April 24, 2008, the last day the tower was operational.
The Tijuana & Tecate Railway (T&T) connected the western and eastern ends of the Southern Pacific's subsidiary, the San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway. The T&T's trackage and facilities were located solely in Mexico, and the T&T was a subsidiary of Southern Pacific until July 1, 1970.
This map of September 23, 1911, which covers construction of the Nevada - California - Oregon Railway (NCO) between Alturas and Davis Creek, California (a distance of about 32 miles), has been shared by the Shasta Division Archives. The Alturas, California to Lakeview, Oregon portion of the NCO was purchased by Southern Pacific on April 30, 1925, and would become its Lakeview Branch. At the
Title to the Shell Building changed hands last weeks when Nooney Realty Company, St. Louis owner of the Thirteenth and Locust streets building since 1948, merged with a Boston real estate company known as Fifty Associates. Nooney interests acquired stock in the Eastern company in exchange for the building, will continue to manage it.