Vol. XXII, No. 36. Lakes To Gulf Second To Panama In Importance: Congressman M. B. Madden, of Illinois, Talks About the Proposed River Improvements-Channel From Chicago to New Orleans Will Be of Immense Benefit to the Country. The New Water Route. Upper Mississippi Report.
1015/16 inches by 8 3/8 inches tan journal with black and red writing. The top of the cover has red and black letters spelling "Straight from the shoulder A Journal of Political Fact VOLUME 3 NOVEMBER, 1956 NUMBER 9". This was made and distributed by the Republican National Committee as a series in the lead up to the 1956 election. There are fifteen pages in the journal with a back cover page
This manuscript journal was written in 1817 by Thomas Wright, a druggist and veterinarian, as he traveled from his native home in England to the Morris Birkbeck settlement in southern Illinois. The pages are filled with his optimism and courage as he set off on a long and winding journey over open ocean, to distant shores, and across the wild American West. His careful and detailed observations
This diary documents Rebecca and Henry Bruce Milroy’s convalescent journey from Washington County, Indiana to Natchez Mississippi, as well as Henry’s return trip after his wife’s death. The 42 page diary includes near daily entries from October 26, 1836 to January 1, 1837. The author describes several towns they pass through, places they stay, steamboats they take passage aboard, people they