Sixteen more St. Louis area youngsters have reached the semifinal round of the 26th annual Spelling Bee sponsored by The Globe Democrat. The 16 spellers survived quarterfinal competition Saturday in two sessions at the J. C. Penney auditorium at the University of Missouri at St. Louis. Some 160 students competed. The afternoon round winners are: front row from left, Lori Reed, Kevin Harmann, Pam
Spelling Bee Semifinalists -- Four boys and 12 girls from the St. Louis area outspelled 136 other contestants Saturday in the first quarterfinal rounds of the 27th annual Spelling Bee sponsored by The Globe-Democrat. This photo shows winners from the morning session. They are, from the left in the first row, Carolyn Kruczynski, Sandy Wirtel, Mike Bimler and Nicole Takahashi. In the back row, from
Spelling Bee Semifinalists -- Four boys and 12 girls from the St. Louis area outspelled 136 contestants Saturday in the first quarterfinal rounds of the 27th annual Spelling Bee sponsored by The Globe-Democrat. These are the winners from the afternoon session. They are, in the front row from left, Anne Mannion, Alan Sheehy, Marty Smith, and Matthew Gutting. In the back row from left, Laura Adkins