Wally Berger of the Philadelphia Phillies is being tagged out after attempting a steal in the first of two games during a double-header against the Cardinals.
Photograph of five Cardinals players leaning out of the dugout watching towards the field. They are all holding wooden bats and have one foot up on the dirt at the edge of the dugout. A team official sits behind them on a bench.
"This picture shows history repeating itself in reverse. It depicts German leaders laying down armistice terms to French officials in the rail car June 21 at Compiegne, France, where Marshal Foch dictated the armistice of 1918 to Germany./Shown around the table (left to right) are: Grand Admiral Erich Raeder, Field Marshal Hermann Goering, Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, Col. Gen. Wilhelm Keitel (standing
"Compiegne Forest, France, June 21 - Four French emissaries are shown about to enter the 1918 armistice care here today, where they heard Hitler give his terms for peace. Entering the car is a German officer who acted as escort. Several feet behind him is Gen. Charles Huntzinger of France, and in the center of the photo, behind the post, is Leon Noel of France. Toward the right are Gen. Jean