This building replaced the old college (built in 1873), which was destroyed by fire. This new building was built in 1906. The Southeast Missouri State Teachers' College has approximately 1000 students enrolled.
Cape Girardeau Bridge spanning the Mississippi River, connecting Missouri and Illinois at Cape Girardeau, MO. One million six hundred thousand dollar traffic bridge. Called the Gateway to the Ozarks.
"Grave of Don Lewis Lorimer, founder of Cape Girardeau, 1793. Wife died in 1808. First white person to be buried in this Lorimier Cemetery. Both he and his wife are buried here. He died in 1812. This pavilion was built over their grave. Mrs. Lorimer was the daughter of an Indian - he had great influence with the Indians. There was no trouble in known history of trouble with the Indians in Cape
"Don Padgett of the St. Louis Cardinals, nominal batting leader of the National League in 1939, is showing a group of admiring students at Joe Stripp's baseball school here how to catch and hit. At top Padgett is demonstrating the results of knowledge he has gained since 1938, when he was an outfielder."
"The Cardinals were not scheduled to start spring training until tomorrow, but with a portion of his squad on hand Manager Ray Blades saw no reason for postponing matters and called an informal drill for those present here this afternoon. Blades, in the left foreground, iss een talking the situation over with the early arrivals."
"Four of the first eight spelling bee winners, at the afternoon session [of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat Spelling Bee] were: Linda Wucher, 14, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque; Katie Coff, 13, Dupo Jr. High; Denise Huster, 12, St. Peter School; and Tamra Thomas, 13, Normandy Jr. High." Each winner has a name tag hanging around their necks that indicate their name and school.
This photo shows four winners from the 1985 St. Louis Globe-Democrat Spelling Bee. From left to right, they are: Carolyn Eastabrook, 12, Meramec Heights School; Kevin Hood, 11, Shiloh; Brett Westhoff, 14, St. Roberts; Julie Chang, 13, Parkway South Jr. High. Behind them are Judge Roy C. Dripps, an English Teacher, Academy of Math and Science with St. Louis Public Schools and Pronouncer Dr
"Jean Brinkmann, runner-up in the Spelling Bee, is presented a prize by Weldon Cox." Weldon Cox, Lindbergh High School teacher, is also the judge of the 1966 Globe-Democrat-KTVI Spelling Bee. In the photo, he's handing two Lincoln Library texts to Brinkmann."
"These directors of the Effingham County Soil Conservation District in Illinois planned and carried out the program which won the sweepstakes award in the Soil Conservation Districts Awards Program presented jointly in Illinois by the Globe-Democrat and the Keystone Steel and Wire Company of Peoria. From the left: Hillard Morris, Mason; William C. Martins, Dietrich, secretary-treasurer; Harve Dunteman, Shumway, chairman; Frank Kinklelaar, Effingham, and Robert Simpson, Watson."
Photograph of two homicide officers, Sergeant George Seper and Homicide Commander Captain Leroy J. Adkins, returning from a viewing at the City Morgue.
"Joni Goldwasser, 16, performs under the direction of Dan Huber at the St. Louis Gymnastics Centre. The uneven parallel bars and the 12 inch crash mat were purchased with Old Newsboys Funds."
"Working on art projects at the Soulard Girls Club are, from left, Cindy Redus, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Redus; Echota Blackerby, 11, daughter of Frieda Blackerby, and Teresita Cochran, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cochran, all of St. Louis."
"Afternoon session spelling bee winners in front row, from left, are: Patrick Fleming, Bob Herleth, Terry Christman and Karen Weber. In back row: Jean Brinkmann, Carol Westhoff, Dan Hopmann and Kim Leighton. Winners of both sessions will take part in semi-finals April 16." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown. The
"Winners in the morning session of the Globe-Democrat-KTVI-TV Spelling Bee quarter-finals held Saturday at Famous-Barr downtown store auditorium in first row, from left, are: Margie Dalechek, Judy Wittenauer, Joan Zakrzewski and Amy Clark. In back row: Weldon Cox, Sandra Gerber, Kathleen Powers, Randy Henne, Gary Barbeau and Don Beecher." Each winner is wearing a "Globe-Democrat KTVI-TV Spelling Bee" name tag with their names, age, school, and hometown. They're standing in front of a large, painted beehive complete with a large bee and letters of the alphabet covering it.
"Winners from last year's Newspaper Snapshot Contest, sponsored locally by The Globe-Democrat, are on display in the lobby of Mercantile Trust Co., 721 Locust st., and can be viewed through May 9. Admiring the photos are Donald E. Lasater, president, and James E. Brown, senior vice president of the bank." The winning photographs are pinned to a wall as they are being admired.
"Cruise preparation: Globe-Democrat Snow Bowl winner Doris Paradoski and her husband, Mitchell, left, plan their Caribbean cruise with Leroy and Beverly Blitz of Blitz World Wide Travel Service of St. Louis. The agency handled arrangements for the cruise that Mrs. Paradoski won by coming closest to predicting the time of the area's first official snowfall."
"Ray Stackle: Says he has an uncanny sense of picking the right teams, especially the 'toughies.'" Ray took home the $500 prize for guessing the correct scores as part of The Globe-Democrat "Tackle the Odds!" football contest.