The midway at Union Station was almost deserted last night as a result of the strike of three railroad brotherhoods which has paralyzed operations of the Terminal Railroad Association in St. Louis. All railroads except the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio have suspended passenger service at Union Station.
Bob Pettit of the St. Louis Hawks was honored by the fans last night and members of the 1957-58 Hawk team that won the club's only NBA championship were on hand for the ceremony. In photo are; (left to right) Trainer Bernie Ebert, Cliff Hagan, Jack McMahon, Charley Share, Win Wilfong, Pettit, Slater Martin, Ed Macauley and Ned Park, all members of the squad that won the title.
Uncommon attention is drawn to a "common boa" during Camera Day at the St. Louis Zoo. Zeroing in, from left, are Hank Gellegos of St. Louis, Dick Hurd of Hazelwood, Ann Penny of Maplewood and Bill Henderson of Florissant.
When beer came back in 1933, Falstaff was the first brewery in the country to receive a U. S. permit for beer production. Firm's founder, Joseph Griesedieck, right, is shown accepting the number one permit from Internal Revenue Officer Louis Becker.
Way up there: High-wire walker Jay Cochrane walks 1,000 feet across Busch Stadium during the opening night of the Moolah Shrine Circus Thursday. The circus' top attraction, Cochrane repeated the stunt his friend and mentor, Karl Wallenda, performed at the stadium 10 years ago.
Eugene F. Williams Jr. (left), chairman of the Blue Cross Board, presents a check for $47,227.63 to Dr. Frank R. Bradley, director of Barnes Hospital, in a ceremony Monday which pushed total Blue Cross payments for care of St. Louis members over the $200,000,000 mark.