Homeward-bound for Christmas, thousands of St. Louisans rushed to board trains, busses, planes. Here is one of the many crowds waiting at the various gates in the Union Station Midway yesterday for trains to take them off on the three-day Christmas holiday.
Two local boys on the American League squad got together for some baseball chatter before the game. Walter (Hoot) Evers of Collinsville (left) explained to Larry (Yogi) Berra how he gets his power at the plate. Evers hit a home run to account for the first American League run.
First biennial report of the condition, budget, and treatment of pupils of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum of Missouri, presented in the state General Assembly, 1855.
Timber piling clump dike, Chester to Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Mile 111.9 L. Dike partially completed. Three clumps (9 piling) required to complete. Upper Mississippi River, St. Louis Dist. C. of E.
CARDS TEAMMATES WELCOME KEN BOYER, third baseman, as he reaches home on a sixth inning grand slammer in the fourth World Series game, Sunday. Greeting him are Carl Warwick, Dick Groat and Curt Flood, all of whom were on base when he hit the homer. At left is Bill White, the next batter.
the rescue of the two youngest girls, a letter was written, addressed to Sophia, aged 12, and Catherine, aged 17, by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Neill. The letter advised the sisters to read it Grey-Beard or Stone-Calf to secure the sister's release and for the Cheyennes to submit themselves to the mercy of the government. The sisters were rescued in March 1875 and reunited with their sisters at Fort