Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Schultz, 5361 Minerva ave., with their two younger children, Carol, 7, and Jeffrey, 3. Mr. Schultz says, "I found out that when you don’t know anybody to turn to, United Fund will go to bat for you."
Political cartoon illustrated by T.H. Nash. "A Government of the people, for the people, and by the people" - that can not protect the people, shall perish from the earth.
"GO ON" -- U. S. Grant
The constitution of the United States must and shall be preserved - and protected.
In reply to Dr. Duncan, of Ohio; the Defender of the Administration; the "Dear Sir" of Levi Woodbury, and the Pet of the Globe; in Which the Anti-Slavery Letter of Dr. Duncan is Examined. Delivered in the House of Representatives.
Steamer (Mark Twain), which will participate in Dedication Parade for Chain of Rocks Canal tomorrow. This is one of the few remaining sternwheel steamers.
Towboats crowd each other along the Ohio, where modern river traffic surpasses anything in tonnage that was known in the days when steamboating was at its height.