What does a man do when he retires after running a company for 25 years? If you are like Wallace R. (Buck) Persons, former chairman and chief executive officer of Emerson Electric Co. here, you keep busy at a dozen or more private and public projects - any one of which would satisfy the ordinary retiree.
One letter, dated May 2, 1828, to the Honorable James Barbour, regarding the recommendation of Thomas McNight for the appointment of superintendent of the Upper Lead Mines.
The Old Courthouse at 4th and Market Streets is on the eastern edge of the city's Gateway Mall area. Downtown financial interests are trying to revive the long-dormant mall which, when completed, will stretch to 21st street.
1 letter, February 27, 1786. A.L.S.
To Mr. [William] hunter, integral address cover docketed by Hunter.
[Authenticated by Mount Vernon Ladies' Association]
Then there's Grover Cleveland Alexander, at top right, shaking hands with Dizzy Dean. Alexander, hero of the championship team's pitching staff, is on the right.