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(41 - 60 of 390)


Jefferson Barracks - Officer Dwellings
Jefferson Barracks - Soldiers on Motorcycles
Baggage at Tents
Troops Looking Through the Booklet
Jefferson Barracks - Memorial Day Crowd
First Passenger Train Chugs Across The MacArthur Bridge
Pennsylvania Train Crosses The MacArthur Bridge
The MacArthur Bridge Formerly Known As The Municipal Bridge
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony At The MacArthur Bridge
Parade Down Ninth Street, 1940
Eads Bridge Rails Restoration Sought
Admiral Mezzanine Ballroom
Admiral Powder Rooms
Pay Car
The Zorensky Brothers Store on Franklin Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee
Kansas City Federal Barge Line
Passengers on the Golden Eagle
Board of Education's Newly Purchased Scoring Machine


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