Location of dredge in Pilot Canal on completion of dredging operations for cut No. 2. Just following departure, the second cut was made on left bank a distance of 1,800 ft. from upper end, which the view is towards.
Front Page of Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung from the 13th of July, 1872, depicting a concert hall and its auditorium where a singing festival was held. The caption below the auditorium specifically mentions the reception concert. The illustrations were done by Joseph Ferdinand Keppler. The text is from "Herrn Mahlhuber's Reiseabenteuer" by Friedrich Gestäcker (Gestaecker).
Showing part of the completed river bank that will be one of the banks when the new river channel is completed. Kansas City District, Pilot Canal Project.
Hard work usually paves the way to success and great demand. That just about explains why officals of five clubs are knocking each other over as they hammer at Bill Veeck's door trying to land Ned Garver, who notched 20 victories for the last-place Browns in 1951.
Looking down river at completed rock revetment that will serve as the west bank for the new channel. This rocked bank extends approx. 9,000 feet. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
Material removed from Pilot Canal being discharged into Rover channel that is going to be diverted. Dredging for canal will be completed tonight. Dredge is at station 7+00'. The earth plug to be blasted is at station 6+50'. Kansas City District, channel diversion.