October 29, 1937. - Looking downstream from pilot house of Grafton, about station 223-00. Note face of cut standing practically vertical, also water and sand running out gut about where dragline is located
Terry Moore is remembered fondly by Cardinal fans as perhaps the greatest defensive center fielder the game has ever known and for the quiet but intense leadership he brought to the Red Birds as team captain. He was always the one to whom the others looked for guidance in trying moments.
Showing completed canal and the plug that separates the old and new channels, which will be blasted out October 4, 1952. Stern of dredge (William H. Black) is shown. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
on one side part of what it gained at the other back in 1929 when 10 new tracks were added at the west side of the train shed. In those days, an average of 650 trains used to station every day. Nowadays, the average is slighty over 100.
The master rings for "All Stop" as the Queen is secured against the lock wall and the upper gates swing shut. With the river at a low stage, the Queen was dropped about fifteen feet this morning. The city of Alton was just beginning to waken, and no spectators were on hand to watch the Queen during her final lockage at Alton.