CARDS TEAMMATES WELCOME KEN BOYER, third baseman, as he reaches home on a sixth inning grand slammer in the fourth World Series game, Sunday. Greeting him are Carl Warwick, Dick Groat and Curt Flood, all of whom were on base when he hit the homer. At left is Bill White, the next batter.
Barbers sit in empty chairs as Fred Harvey barber shop in Union Station closed its doors Monday, and for the first time in the station's 70-year history travelers will not be able to get haircuts and shaves in the station. Seated on the gloomy occasion, from front to rear, are Albert Schwent, Terry Corzine and Charles Kimberlin.
Launching a 12-speech day which carried him through southern Illinois and on to Springfield, Senator John F. Kennedy campaigned vigorously Monday on the East Side after an overnight stop in St. Louis. At Granite City (above left), he met one of the day's biggest turnouts, an estimated 3000 persons who gathered in the Bellemore Village Shopping Center. Another large crowd was on hand to hear the
After the 1959 tornado, with walls sliced away, homes in multiple-family dwellings in the 3800 block of Evans Avenue are revealed in cross section. The buildings were badly damaged, their contects largely intact.
Another bygone activity at Union Station: Railway mail service. A new automatic mail-sack handling system which saves $1,000,000 a year, displaces 175 jobs and speeds up mail distribution from trains at St. Louis' Union Station was dedicated Wednesday. Photo above shows the mail coming down hoppers to be dumped into chutes leading to trains.
Panoramic photograph depicting six racing balloons still tethered to the ground at the center of the racing track at Priesters Park. Spectators can be seen in the stands to the right and left. The race was presented by the Aero Club of St. Louis.