Still young and unpredictable, the baseball season blew through another turbulent week of free swinging scoring and no one correctly picked the top four teams in high-scoring order for Baseball Bonus Contest No. 6.
Presenting $22,000 Check to Mrs. Richard H. Tennyson, Globe-Democrat Crossword Quizzer Puzzle winner, is business manage G. Duncan Baumann. Looking on are Mr. Tennyson, her son Charles, her daughter Donna, and sister Mrs. James Arnold.
Presenting a Check for $26,000 to Miss Elizabeth Griffing, the winner of the Crossword Quizzer puzzle No. 22 is G. Duncan Bauman, Globe-Democrat Business Manager. Miss Griffing 4633 Lindell Blvd. is a practical nurse. Before receiving the check she commented, "I credit my dictionary for helping me solve the Quizzer puzzle correctly."
Junior members of the Milne Circulation Sales Company prepare to board a plan for a three-day all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. The boys won their trip by selling a prize-winning number of Globe-Democrat subscriptions. Don Stovall of the Globe-Democrat Circulating Department and Tommy Robinson of the circulation company are accompanying the boys on the tour.
Biggest Money Winner, Nurse Solves Globe-Democrat Crossword Puzzle, Wins $26,000 cash. Miss Griffing exclaimed, "unbelievable," when informed that she was the winner. A practical nurse working nights, she related that on occassions the Crossword Quizzer helped fill idle moments during her late hours of duty.
Plans for the Money. Asked what she would do with the money, she replied, "make some return to the Lord's work, pay off the balance on my car and possibly take a little trip as I haven't had a vacation in years."
A replica of the Great Seal of the United States is presented by Dr. Wayne C. Grover (left), archivist of the United States, to Mayor Reymond R. Tucker
Among Dignitaries at the dedication were (left to right) Senator Stuart Symington, who made the principal address; Senator Edward V. Long and Representative Leonor K. Sullivan.
Correct high-scoring order for Baseball Bonus Contest No. 20, Aug. 24-30 is Baltimore, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Boston, Chicago (A) and Detroit tied for fourth.