There are hours and days when Union Station takes on the appearance of several years ago when more than twice as many passenger trains as now use the station were scheduled daily. Here's the rotunde at 3:35 p.m. on a recent week day. Promotions by some of the railroads serving St. Louis are reversing the declining passenger trend.
On August 10, 1905, while enroute up the Ohio River, she struck a snag at Sister's Island, below Golconda and near Bay City, Illinois and tore a hole 40 feet long in her hull, causing the boat to sink in shallow water. Three towboats went to the rescue of the wreck - the Fulton, Ranger and Wash Honshell - assisted in raising the Williams. She was then placed on the ways for repairs; damage
Showing new Canvass laced on side of stage used brass grommets and brass screw --- canvass its light green color. Like sample you saw only NO. 8 - which is heavier lettering - is in white with black and red ------- - here back many say it\u2019s a nifty sign.
The master rings for "All Stop" as the Queen is secured against the lock wall and the upper gates swing shut. With the river at a low stage, the Queen was dropped about fifteen feet this morning. The city of Alton was just beginning to waken, and no spectators were on hand to watch the Queen during her final lockage at Alton.
Alone on the foredeck, a hand coils lines under the watchful eye of the mate and passengers. The landing stage has been secured since its last use at some small river town where passengers boarded.