Mercantile Trust Company has been honored by the United Way for over a quarter of a century of sponsorship of the Toy and Doll Christmas Project. At left is Jacque Barney and at right is Brenda Sisson, who helped in this year's doll project.
Visitors to the First National Bank in St. Louis sign the last piece the last piece of structural steel that will be erected in the bank's new building downtown. The 19-foot, 1,300-pound girder was delivered to the lobby Tuesday morning and will be installed at topping-out ceremonies Jan 27.
St. Louis U January 26, 1981-TOPPING OUT OF THE 1st National Bank Building. Clarence C. Barksdale, Chairman of the boars of First National Bank, turns away after christening the I-beam with champagne.
Dirt and junk is piled at the Missouri entrance to the old Chain of Rocks Bridge. The City of Madison closed the 56-year-old span after the Interstate 270 toll-free bridge opened in 1969.
A bridge is a bridge: A road in northwest St. Louis County has a new bridge--if only a temporary structure, right--80 days ahead of its scheduled June 1 completion date.
A million dollars worth of bridge improvements will be completed this year for the St.Louis County Highway Department in the Heman Park area of University City. Above, workers are preparing the northern section of roadbed on the Midland Boulevard Bridge south of Olive Street.
Federal Information Center (FIC) office is dark at 2:00 p.m. when this picture was taken. As the sign says, the FIC is closed due to the General Services Administration (which the FIC is part of) having not received funds to continue operations. (This image filed under Merchants Bridge.)
The building at 1213 N. Market St. that was damaged by fire during the weekend. It have been scheduled for renovation. (This image filed under Merchants Bridge.)
Demolition of this building at Tucker Boulevard and Lafayette Street is no helter-skelter affair. Neatness prevails throughout with masonry dismantled and bricks stacked. (This image filed under Merchants Bridge.)