The Missouri Botanical Gardens - Known the world over as Shaw's Garden, this is one of the finest such units in the world, second only in size to the famous Kew Gardens in London. It is the gift to the city from Henry Shaw, who started it in 1859 and by his will provided for its perpetuation. Its greenhouses alone cover more than 2 acres and its collection of orchids is the finest in the world.
Material removed from Pilot Canal being discharged into Rover channel that is going to be diverted. Dredging for canal will be completed tonight. Dredge is at station 7+00'. The earth plug to be blasted is at station 6+50'. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
Photograph of the Emerson Zooline Railroad at the St. Louis Zoo. Three children stand off to the right awaiting to get on the miniture train with Captain Kangaroo (Bob Keeshan).
The fight at Corney's Bridge, Bayou Teche, Louisiana, and the destruction of the rebel gun-boat "Cotton," January 14, 1863.-Sketched by our special artist.-[see page 103.]
Here, photographically, is a record of the 1940 All-Star game, played yesterday at Sportsmans Park. At the left the two managers get together and Bill McKechnie (left), Cincinnati's gift to the National League, seems to be getting in the last work against Joe Cronin, the Red Sox contribution to the American League lineup. Bill had the last word all the way.