others under the White Collar Line. Enroute from Memphis to Cincinnati on February 17, 1894, she struck a stump in backing out from the landing at Cottonwood Point, Missouri, 120 miles above Memphis, Tennessee. She then sank proving a total loss. The boat was valued at $25,000. The cargo was damaged $9,000. No lives were lost.
Lemay Pollution Case - This was the scene at the NL Industries DeLore plant at 4:30 p.m. Monday, 3.5 hours after the first air pollution red alert ever called in St. Louis County went into effect. The DeLore plant was one of the plants ordered to curb emissions.
Dredging of first cut completed and dredge is about halfway of canal length as it backs out. View is to lower end of canal. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
Bob Pettit, St. Louis center, tonight tossed in his 20,001th point in game against Cincinnati and became the first player in NBA history to accomplish the feat. The game was stopped and the ball with which he broke the record was given to Hawks' owner Ben Kerner, right, while the cake was given to Royals' president Carl Rich, left. Cincinnati won, 123-106, as Oscar Robertson returned after
One letter, dated May 2, 1828, to the Honorable James Barbour, regarding the recommendation of Thomas McNight for the appointment of superintendent of the Upper Lead Mines.
View of progress made to date. Total advance since start of dredging: 3,000 ft. Total time: 3 weeks this date. Average 1,000' per week. Total production to date for job: 658.489 yds. Total dredge length of canal by both dredges: approx. 6,000'. Overall length of canal: 9,000'. Started station 57/100. Kansas City District, Channel Diversion Project.
Harris Teachers College has its cafeteria in a basement corridor, so crowded that it must be used as a "one-way street." A cafeteria and a gymnasium are the school's critical needs which would be met through the school bond issue to be voted on May 26, the same date as the St. Louisans will vote in the $110, 639,000 municipal bond issue. The two will be on separate ballots.