About 1000 persons attended the luncheon in the Khorassan Room of Hotel Chase honoring the 1958 Ten Women of Achievement. Richard H. Amberg of The Globe-Democrat (at the microphone) singled out as universal attributes of the honorees their "love of humanity and compassion for their fellow man." Each of the 10 women received a plate in recognition of her work inscribed with her name and the
Those who have been honored as Women of Achievement in other years included, from left: Elizabeth Golterman (!957), Beatrice Adams (1956), Dr. Cylvia A. Sorkin (1955) and Dr. Mildred Trotter (1955).
Identifying the object in the Nov. 12-13 "What Is It?" Contest was easy for the winner of the contest, Peggy Boehm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boehm of Frontenac, Mo. Identification of the object as a bed warmer was simple for the twelve-year-old Parkway seventh grader because she has one at home. It was brought from Germany long before Peggy was born. She receives a $10 gift certificate
Almost 1000 person attended the luncheon yesterday honoring the 1957 Ten Women of Achievement. Richard H. Amberg, publisher of The Globe-Democrat presented each of the 10 women "selected way of life in 1957" with a silver plate inscribed with their names.
From left to right: Mrs. Donald Gunn, Good Neighbor; Mrs. Irene McCabe, Health; Mrs. George A. O'Sullivan, Community Welfare; Mrs. Mark C. Steinberg, Philanthropy; and Mrs. Peter L. Wulfing III, Public Affairs
From left to right: Mrs. Walter W. Collett, Homemaker; Mrs. George Gellhorn, Community Service; Miss Elizabeth Golterman, Education; Mrs. Frances Goodall, Profession
Laclede Cab Supervisor William J. wills holding T-shirt to be given away to cab customers who are riding in the cab when Cardinals win National League Eastern Division Title.
Cab Driver Patriotism. Laclede Cab Co. drivers display American flags that all Laclede cabs will be flying on radio antennas during the VP Fair/July fourth period. Many drivers and employees are lifelong area residents and veterans from as far back as WWII. (From left to right) Robert Russell, Vietnam; Issac Bonner, Korea; Harold Dallas, WWII.
Queen of the Big Top Semi-Finalists are (standing, left to right) Sandra Cox, Patricia Shebik, Kim Bergman, June Enos, Norma Adams and Marilyn Stalcup; (seated from the left) Marcia Cole, Lynette and Diana Austin. Judges are (from the left) Joseph New, Tom Reardon, Vic Take and Jack Murdoch. "Pictures of the six finalists will be published tomorrow with the official Globe-Democrat ballot on which the readers may vote for the girl they wish to represent the St. Louis area in the Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena Cal., New Years Day."