The Wash Honshell was built at Cincinnati, Ohio in 1892. Her dimensions were: 157 x 28.6 x 4.0 feet; 134 tons. Coming up the river on April 12, 1903, she was struck by a storm and one of her three barges of lumber was sunk. On August 25, 1903, while laid up at Cincinnati, Ohio, she caught fire due to sparks from a blacksmith's forge. The damage to her upper works was five thousand dollars. While
. She swung around, turned over and sunk in 100 feet of water, a total loss; valued at $3000. No one hurt and no lives lost. She aws taken into the Pittsburgh \"Combine\" in the early 1900's, and then towed coal from Pittsburgh to New Orleans. In May 1907, towing 28 pieces loaded with 21,000 tons of coal, she made the run from Pittsburgh to New Orleans in 15 days. On June 15, 1909, charges were
Third and Cedar Street property, formerly owned by Fulton Bag Company, has been purchased by General Fibre Company for Offices and Plant. Building signage still reads Fulton Bags
General Grocer Company renewed its leases on all the property it occupies at Eighth and Clark Streets and added another 100,000 square feet of floor space through a new lease, according to Col. Isaac A. Hedges, real estate agent for Washington University which owns the buildings.
On Tuesday, March 15, 1898, the largest single shipment of coal ever moved on the Western Rivers was taken out of the harbor of Pittsburgh, Pa., by the towboat Joseph B. Williams, owned by C. Jutte and Co. of that place.
This Fleetwood was built to replace the original of the same name in 1880 at Cincinnati. She was 302.2 x 43.4 x 6.4 and her machinery came from the prior boat. She ran in the Cincinnati to Huntington trade until the Chesapeak and Ohio Railroad was completed to Cincinnati, or about 1883. She then ran to Pomeroy and later in the Louisville trade. She was dismantled in the summer of 1893 and her
The Pride of Cameron - Cameron, Mo., prides itself on its two tax-supported bands, the Municipal Band and the Junior Band. Pictured here is the Cameron Military Band of 60 years ago which acquired a national reputation under David K. Harper. It took part in events in Washington, New Orleans, and Denver.
New Brentwood Bank - Here is the bank's new $1,000,000 structure at Brentwood Boulevard and the Daniel Boone Expressway. It is one of the most modern in the area.
Where He'll Be Kept - In this stone jail at Centerville, Mo., will be kept Robert (Bobby) Camden, known both as "Robin Hood" and the "Scourge" of the Ozarks, when he is brought to the isolated village to face a murder charge, along with five other defendants. Camden, already is in the State Penitentiary at Jefferson City under 30-year sentence for robbery. The six are charged with the slaying of Rev. James A. Radford, hill preacher.