Mr. and Mr.s Troy E. Key of 2212 Portis Avenue submitted one of the two winning enteries in last week's Crossword Quizzer contesthey won $7,500. Their children are Donna 7 (left) and Joanne, 5.
Junior members of the Milne Circulation Sales Company prepare to board a plan for a three-day all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. The boys won their trip by selling a prize-winning number of Globe-Democrat subscriptions. Don Stovall of the Globe-Democrat Circulating Department and Tommy Robinson of the circulation company are accompanying the boys on the tour.
Sharing Consolation Prize in last week's Globe-Democrat Crossword Quizzer contest are Miss Pat Hatcher of 1017A Allen Avenue and Gathor Presley of 4437 Cotton Belt, East St. Louis. They each received checks for $250 from Assistant Circulation Manager William Little. Both Miss Hatcher and Mr. Presley came within one word of winning the big prize.
Consolation Prize of $500 in the Globe-Democrat's Crossword Quizzer contest is presented to Elliott Haun (right) of 120 West Washington, Belleville by Circulation Manager Charle B. Cleaver. A consolation prize of $500 is awarded each week that the major Quizzer prize is not won.
"Winter Sycamores," by William Bauer was a big favorite at the show. Its admires are General American Life Insurance Company's employees Barbara Beheiter, hattie Sucher and Dorothy Ettien.
An employee of the General American Life Insurance Co., admires one of the 300 dolls dressed by her co-workers for distribution to little girls at Christmas.
Ground for a home and recreation center for disabled veterans at Kossuth and Obear avenue was broken yesterday by Patrick J. Dolan, commander of St. Louis Chapter No. 1 of the Disabled American Veterans, which is building the home.
Correct high-scoring order for Baseball Bonus Contest No. 20, Aug. 24-30 is Baltimore, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Boston, Chicago (A) and Detroit tied for fourth.