Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1897.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1906.
Record of masters, mates, pilots, and engineers of merchant steam, motor, and sail vessels kept by the United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1909.
low-rise structure at left will be linked with the 21-story tower by a 2,500 square foot glass-enclosed garden walkway. The landscaped garden will be open the year round.
9 5/16 inches by 3 13/16 inches white leaflet with black writing. At the top of the front page there are black letters spelling “TO MEN and WOMEN WHO HAVE SERVED". In the middle of the front page there is a photo of Alf Landon. Alongside the right hand side of both the front and back there are black stars. Beginning on the front and continuing onto the back, Alf Landon discusses the character of