Panoramic photograph depicting six racing balloons still tethered to the ground at the center of the racing track at Priesters Park. Spectators can be seen in the stands to the right and left. The race was presented by the Aero Club of St. Louis.
Map from an early atlas comparing the 1855 Colton maps of Saint Louis, Missouri, and Chicago, Illinois. The plans of Chicago and St. Louis are on the same scale.
This document contains the twenty-fifth annual report of the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association along with the proceedings of the anniversary celebration of that year. It includes an address by the library's first president James E. Yeatman and a poem by Thomas E. Garrett titled "The Three Stages."
Containing: I. A Colored Township Map of Missouri, corrected down to the time of publication. II. A Colored Map of the City of St. Louis, showing the Wards, Lines of Street Railroads, etc. III. A Colored Outline Map, showing the Railroad Connections of St. Louis and the West. IV. Table of Stations, Distances and Connections, for all Railroads leading out of St. Louis, embracing nearly one thousand stations on seventeen Railroads, with a combined length of about four thousand miles. V. Statistics of the counties of Missouri, showing for each county its population, area in acres, assessed value of land, average value per acre, value of real and personal property, number of farms, value of farm products, value of manufactured products, number of schools, children of school age, children attending. VI. List of nearly five hundred cities, towns and villages in Missouri, showing population, number of business houses, with directions for travelers or shippers to reach them most conveniently. VII. Brief sketch of Missouri and St. Louis. VIII. Brief sketch of the Counties of Missouri.