McCormack Baron & Associates Inc. is seeking a three-month option to purchase the St. Louis Place apartments project abandoned by another developer earlier this year. This building was previously the old Falstaff building.
Sherwood Court Apartments, 4501-31 McPherson Ave., which were closed after a tenant-landlord fight in the late 1960s, are being converted from the original 48 units to 66 units.
Falstaff Brewing Corp. has closed its office at 5050 Oakland ave., following the financial takeover of the corporation last April by Californian Paul Kalmanovitz.
"If it were a football game, the score at this point might read something like: Miller Lite, 65 -- Anheuser-Busch Natural Light, 15. In the race for market share in the light beer industry, Miller Brewing Co. of Milwaukee holds a commanding lead - last year a full 77 per cent of all light beer sales were of Miller's entry, Lite. Their lead, however, is largely due to their early entry into the
"A picket points finger at a truck driver while a security guard checks the driver's paper after the truck crossed the Bottlers Local 1187 picket line in the rain at Anheuser-Busch Monday."
"St. Louis brewery site where Budweiser was born 100 years ago and two Busches who have helped keep it No. 1 in beers, August A. Busch, Jr. and August A. Busch, III."
"Public tours of 70-block Anheuser-Busch, Inc. brewery are offered daily and are considered a must for visitors to St. Louis. Dominant building in this photo is the Brew House, which has been in operation since 1892. It is one of three officially designated National Landmark buildings within the brewery complex."