A work of geo-politics by De l’Isle and presented by his Amsterdam publishers — showing the French lands in the context of a still relatively unexplored and unverified northwestern continent, and compared to the known world ca. 1720.
Copy of a portion of a "Map of the Mississippi River from Pain-Court (St. Louis) to Cold Water Rock" by Guy Dufossat of Rui's expedition in October 1767. Earliest known map which shows the Village at Saint Louis.
This lithographic portrait of Sequoyah, who was credited with inventing the Cherokee alphabet, was created as part of the McKenney & Hall "History of the Indian Tribes of North America." Sequoyah is shown wearing a blue coat with a red and white headscarf and a peace medal hanging around his neck. He points to a document showing the Cherokee alphabet and is smoking a pipe.
Building proposal for the Clayton Executive Center's Phase II. Aaron D. Cushman & Assoc. at 200 S. Hanley are referenced as a source of further information on this building phase.
Under construction: Construction has started on the Clayton Executive Center at the intersection of Clayton Road and the Inner Belt Highway 725. The Thiemann-Stinnett-Weinhaus partnership is building the $12 million complex in two phases, the first of a four-story office building and the second a five-story building. The complex was designed by the architectural firm of Robert L. Boland Inc. and