Eddie Smith, 7 years, Johnnie Ellison, 5 years, and Christina Smith, 6 years, flinch and cover their ears in reaction to the explosion that demolished the second of three sections of the old Jefferson Barracks Bridge.
Three children--from left, Eddie Smith, 7; Johnnie Ellison, 5; and Christina Smith, 6--flinch at the explosion Wednesday that demolished the second of three sections of the old Jefferson Barracks Bridge.
The first portion of navigation span of the Old Jefferson Barracks Bridge explodes at 6:20 a.m. The new Jefferson Barracks bridge sits in back (arched).
Water-filled plastic tubes placed at entrance and exit ramps are saving lives and reducing damage in accidents on the Poplar Street Bridge, Illinois state highway officials reported Friday.
Swinging in a cage from a barge-mounted crane, workman delivers rebars to steelworkers building reinforcement for one of the major piers inside a cofferdam sunk in the river to bedrock. Bargeload of preformed rebars and work-boat can also be seen in the photo.
Motorists will be crossing the new Jefferson Barracks Bridge this spring, says Dale Klohr, Illinois Department of Transportation district engineer in Fairview Heights.
The new Lindbergh bridge, which will cross the Mississippi River at Jefferson Barracks, is already in place as work is being rushed on the $2,600,000 structure designed to link the military view down stream, the span, seemingly is balanced in perilous fashion on one of the piers.