White paper door hanger with American flag motif covering the top half. Text within the flag's stripes reads "Prouder, Stronger, Better". Below is decorative text reading "VOTE Tuesday, November 6. Below is a table containing text reading "For President & Vice President Ronald Reagan George Bush", with cells below reading "For Congress", "For State Senate", and "For State Assembly". Each cell has a box to the right containing a large "X". At the bottom is red and blue text reading "Yes on 39 Fairness Not Politics", above an empty box labeled "Your Polling Place". Small text at the bottom reads "California Republican Party".
White paper brochure. The front has a black and white photograph of then-presidential candidate Lyndon B. Johnson over a red background. Above is white text reading "Queremos al Presidente Johnson" and below is black text reading "Porque Queremos la Paz y el Progreso Porque Queremos ir Adelante y no Atras". The text translates to read "We Want President Johnson Because We Want Peace and Progress Because We Want to go Forward and not Back". Inside are photos of Johnson and vice presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey with text in Spanish supporting Johnson's campaign. This brochure was made by the "All Americans Council".
White paper ticket labeled "Republican National Convention Committee on Resolutions Platform Hearings Session Number One". At the center left is an embossed and printed image of an elephant standing on hind legs and surrounded by laurels. The words "National Republican Convention" surround the top of the elephant and are separated by stars. "1968" is printed below the elephant. "Dulaney-Vernay
White bumper sticker with blue text reading "Remember October 9". This is a reference to a speech then-presidential candidate Richard Nixon made on October 9, 1968 in which he stated "Any man who has had a chance for four years and could not produce peace, should not be given another chance." Nixon went on to be elected president but did not end the Vietnam War. This saying went on to become a
White ribbon with "Republican Ticket" printed vertically. At the top is a pin-back button with a picture of then presidential candidate William Howard Taft looking to his left. At the bottom of the ribbon is the logo for "Union Label".
Flyer on white paper with red and blue print. At the top is a headline in blue text reading "Republicans Really Care Vote Republican!". Below is a slate of Republican candidates in Lake County, Ohio, with each candidate's name listed below their respective office and/or district. At the top of the slate is the header "For President Richard M. Nixon For Vice President Spiro T. Agnew". The slate of candidates is bordered by a red box broken at the top left by an image of a waving American flag. Below the box is text reading "Issued by Lake County Republican Organization".
White ruler measuring 6 inches/15 cm. In the center is red text reading "Rockefeller for President, He Measures Up". On the reverse is the calendar for 1964. The ruler was produced by "N.G. Slater Corp" of New York City.
1 and 1/4-inch round, pin back button with black and white jugate portraits of William H. Taft and James S. Sherman. Each portrait is labeled over the bottom with text reading "Taft" and "Sherman", respectively. The portraits are framed by gold ovals with scrolls at the top and bottom and a flag-motif shield at the top center. Button has a paper label on reverse for Allied Printing Trades Council
7/8-inch round, pin back button with the words "TAFT FOR US" in blue block letters on an orange background. Button has paper label on reverse for Allied Printing Company (Chicago, Ill.)with an image of a mallard duck and the words "The Mark of Quality."
White brochure with red and blue text. On the front is a photograph of then-presidential candidate George C. Wallace. Above him is blue text reading "Stand Up For America" and below is red and blue text reading "Support George C. Wallace for President in '68". On the inside is blue text summarizing Wallace's biography, "From Farm Boy to Governor's Chair", and his policy platform, including his views on "Constitutional Government", "States Rights", "Crime", "Vietnam", and more. On the back is blue text with red headers reading "George Wallace Can Win Presidency With Only a Plurality of Votes" and "Here's What You Can Do to Guarantee Your Opportunity to Vote for George C. Wallace for President of the United States". At the bottom an address in Montgomery, Al. is provided to "Send Contributions to The Wallace Campaign".
Metal watch fob with four separate two-sided medals linked by rings, each with an embossed image and/or text. The medal closest to the clasp features an image of crossed American flags on one side, and an image of an elephant with the letters "G.O.P." on the reverse. The second medal has text reading "Look at the doughnut not the hole" and "Compliments of Judge Co. Copyrighted Judge Co. 1908
Sepia toned button with a photographic portrait of presidential candidate Silas C. Swallow and and vice presidential candidate George W. Carroll of the Prohibition Party. The words "Swallow and Carroll" and "Prohibition" surround their portrait.
Green and white novelty license plate reading "Stevenson for President." The shape of a donkey's head, symbol of the Democratic Party, is to the left of Stevenson's name.
Trifold paper brochure. On the cover is a cartoon drawing of a donkey seated on the lap of a man sitting in a chair, with that chair on the back of an elephant whose trunk is stretched upwards to the man's ear. Both the donkey and elephant are yelling into the man's ears. In a box below the cartoon is text reading "The Independent Voters Handbook A Brief Statement in favor of Senator Kennedy". The inside of the pamphlet contains four columns of text in support of Kennedy's campaign. The lower right corner contains a sketch of an elephant with a cloth on its back reading "Kennedy". On the back is a sketched drawing of then-presidential candidate John F. Kennedy above quotes from the candidate, as well as information from the group "Citizens for Kennedy" who produced the pamphlet.
Gold-toned cardboard cut to the shape of eye glasses with black text reading "Goldwater for President" on each temple, "Things Look Better Already" across the top center, and "Vote G.O.P." on the bottom of the frames. Across the top of the frame is a line drawing of a smiling elephant with its trunk and tail wrapped around the glasses.
Red bumper sticker with three blue stylized H's, connected by the vertical strokes, with white stars through the center of the strokes - the Humphrey campaign logo. White text to the right reads "Humphrey".
White paper brochure with a photograph of then-presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. Below is blue and red text reading "Why you, as one who believes in Barry Goldwater should be counted among his supporters NOW!". Inside is a message encouraging supporters to organize "Americans for Goldwater" chapters. On the back is the address of Americans for Goldwater in Phoenix, to which supporters could write for a copy of "Handbook for Victory".
Brochure comparing President Lyndon B. Johnson and Senator Barry Goldwater, both then-presidential candidates. The front page has a shield with an American flag motif and the photographs of Johnson and Goldwater. The inside of the brochure contains the candidates' campaign platforms on various issues including "Extremism", "Unions", "Health Care for the Elderly Under Social Security", and "Role of Government", with relevant quotes from each candidate in sections below red headers. The back has a statement from the AFL-CIO in support of Johnson's re-election. Small text at the bottom identifies the "AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education".
Medal reading "W.S. Hancock" and "W.H. English" surrounding an image of a rooster, representing the former symbol of the Democratic Party. On the opposite side of the medal are side-by-side profiles of presidential candidate Winfield S. Hancock and vice presidential candidate William H. English.