Photograph of passengers on the top deck of the President steamboat overlooking the Mississippi River. Photograph is taken from within the pilothouse., p11-3-3-58-8
The enclosed pictures were taken during August 1981 on the Beardstown Illinois waterfront showing typical river scenes with the usual amount of tugs and other equipment. The B&N RR bridge in its river mode. The stern-wheel river tug is a locally built boat, original builders and name still showing = LOGSDON = built sometime in the 1930s more details could be obtained. These pictures were taken
Photograph of a seal playing a set of horns while its trainer holds out a microphone at the St. Louis Zoo. In the background is a seated group of visitors coming to see the show.
Children enjoy a ride during the Proctor and Gamble picnic for families, August, 1952. Photograph donated to the St. Louis Mercantile Library by Sherlyn Maughs.