Steamer Capitol New Orleans Feb-8-29. Showing - Pipe Railing on big stage after repairing, \u2026 solid job. Jos. S. Boat scrubbed down to 2nd deck. Have fastened up roll cover on ticket box so it looks right. Entrance to Capitol is clear.
No. 195 Muscle Shoals Dock. Photo by G. W. Landrum Florence, Ala. April-8-1925. Capts Ed-, Charles Beard pilots. Capt. B. J. Carragher master. 83rd anniversary renioun of the Battle of Shiloh survivors.
Front page of Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung (Illustrated Newspaper) No. 1416 Vol. 55 from the 20th of September, 1884. There are illustrations of events from the Swabian Festival in St. Louis on the 31st of August and the 1st of September. There is also a passage from the book titled "Die Erbin von Saldern" ("The Heiress of Saldern") by Ewald August König above the illustrations. The events
The enclosed pictures were taken during August 1981 on the Beardstown Illinois waterfront showing typical river scenes with the usual amount of tugs and other equipment. The B&N RR bridge in its river mode. The stern-wheel river tug is a locally built boat, original builders and name still showing = LOGSDON = built sometime in the 1930s more details could be obtained. These pictures were taken
These rookies have been in the army less than a month but under the intensified training schedule at Jefferson Barracks they are rapidly being converted into soldiers. They are shown here marching in review on parade grounds. Lieut. R.C. Huggins, in charge of the training of recruits is shown marching with drawn sword in front of the troops while Major Walter C. Philips reviews them from the sidelines.