Kenton R. Cravens, chairman of the board of the Mercantile Trust Company, has ben elected a member of the board of directors of the Granite Steel Company.
Here, photographically, is a record of the 1940 All-Star game, played yesterday at Sportsmans Park. At the left the two managers get together and Bill McKechnie (left), Cincinnati's gift to the National League, seems to be getting in the last work against Joe Cronin, the Red Sox contribution to the American League lineup. Bill had the last word all the way.
Way up there: High-wire walker Jay Cochrane walks 1,000 feet across Busch Stadium during the opening night of the Moolah Shrine Circus Thursday. The circus' top attraction, Cochrane repeated the stunt his friend and mentor, Karl Wallenda, performed at the stadium 10 years ago.
Clydesdales visit Behrmann's Tavern, 3155 Meramec Street, July 18, 1952. Pictured are Gus Behrmann and Bernie Marstall. Photograph donated to the St. Louis Mercantile Library by Bill Marstall.
Receipt for shipment on the steamboat Dacotah, for delivery of 25 barrels of M. T. oil, November 26, 1886. Shipment originated at La Grange and was bound for St. Louis.