After the 1959 tornado, with walls sliced away, homes in multiple-family dwellings in the 3800 block of Evans Avenue are revealed in cross section. The buildings were badly damaged, their contects largely intact.
Another bygone activity at Union Station: Railway mail service. A new automatic mail-sack handling system which saves $1,000,000 a year, displaces 175 jobs and speeds up mail distribution from trains at St. Louis' Union Station was dedicated Wednesday. Photo above shows the mail coming down hoppers to be dumped into chutes leading to trains.
. ALONZO CHILD: Built at Louisville, Kentucky in 1857. Dimensions:1 222 x 36 x 6.5 feet; 493 tons. She had six boilers and her engines were 24 inches in diameter and 7-foot stroke. Along with other Confederate-owned steamboats, she was up Yazoo River on November 16, 1862 and at Yazoo City in May, 1863. At that time it was described in a report by a Union officer as a \"large boat whose machinery has been
Bill of Lading for the steamer W. F. NISBET of the St. Louis and Tennessee River Electric Light Packet, for delivery of 102 tons of No. 1 pig iron to St. Louis, Missouri, for the La Grange Iron Company, July 28 1886.
Panoramic photograph depicting six racing balloons still tethered to the ground at the center of the racing track at Priesters Park. Spectators can be seen in the stands to the right and left. The race was presented by the Aero Club of St. Louis.
Letter from Zebulon Pike to Daniel Bissell in June of 1806 discussing military affairs and the maintaining of Pike's home.
No 5 Bell Foutain. 11 June 1806. Dr. Sir Yours of the 28th June & 2� July was handed me by W. Nughz and shall be noticed in rotation, as in the first you are more than commonly complementary, but work me up after by the notice of my omission in not sending you a return of the Detachment but see here a plain tale will put you down. I was informed on my return, that all my Detachment Show moreNo 5 Bell Foutain. 11 June 1806. Dr. Sir Yours of the 28th June & 2� July was handed me by W. Nughz and shall be noticed in rotation, as in the first you are more than commonly complementary, but work me up after by the notice of my omission in not sending you a return of the Detachment but see here a plain tale will put you down. I was informed on my return, that all my Detachment Show less
Long rated as one of the state's crack National Guard units, Light Battery A had its banner hanging from a tree to mark its camp ground and to guide visitors about the company's section in CampStephens.