The Kansas City organized crime family led by Nicholas Civella holds a secret interest in the Dunes Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas "fronted" by St. Louis attorney Morris A. Shenker, the FBI alleged in court documents made public Friday.
What does a man do when he retires after running a company for 25 years? If you are like Wallace R. (Buck) Persons, former chairman and chief executive officer of Emerson Electric Co. here, you keep busy at a dozen or more private and public projects - any one of which would satisfy the ordinary retiree.
The Old Courthouse at 4th and Market Streets is on the eastern edge of the city's Gateway Mall area. Downtown financial interests are trying to revive the long-dormant mall which, when completed, will stretch to 21st street.
The Bird House—not to be confused with the Bird Cage—was completed during recent years and in it are to be found specimens that have sent scouts to the four corners of the world to collect. One may spend hours in this delightful spot watching the feathered inmates at rest and play.
The children of LaClede Town and LaClede Park don't have to go very far for amusement. There's a swimming pool nearby, any number of backyard wading pools and this playground where Mrs. Mary Bell Martinez pauses to help youngsters swing.
Page from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper featuring images of Franck C. Morehead, Mrs. Margaret Hughes, and the scene at the dedication o the Odd Fellows' Cemetery on May 30th of 1881.
and used her as a tourist boat. She sank below Grand Tower, Illinois, on May 19, 1947. A. I. Baker: Origin rather indefinite but she was an old time small towboat rebuilt and renamed the repeatedly until she became the A. I. Baker in 1923. She was long owned and operated by the Ayer and Lord Tie Co. of Paducah, Ky. She was dismantled in 1943 by her then owners, the Lea River Lines. Iren Chotin: A
Taken June 1935 for Wilbur Finger from Dick Lemen. L to R Capt. Dan Dipple, R. V. Gerber, Ruth Ferris, Capt. "Billy" Clark in pilothouse of Str. Golden Eagle.
Pleasure craft (Markay II) - passing dredge (Mile 136.9). Shortly after passing dredge, this craft grounded heavily at Ste. Genevieve and unable to obtain assistance.
The Jefferson Barracks Bridge in the process of being built, 1941. This shot is looking towards the Illinois shore near the railroad tracks below Jefferson Barracks. Donated to the St. Louis Mercantile Library by Norbert Rechtien.