The master rings for "All Stop" as the Queen is secured against the lock wall and the upper gates swing shut. With the river at a low stage, the Queen was dropped about fifteen feet this morning. The city of Alton was just beginning to waken, and no spectators were on hand to watch the Queen during her final lockage at Alton.
Steamer (Mark Twain), which will participate in Dedication Parade for Chain of Rocks Canal tomorrow. This is one of the few remaining sternwheel steamers.
Phil the gorilla, as impressive in death as he was in life, still draws crowds at the St. Louis Zoo, where the mounted figure is on display in the Old Elephant House, next door to the ape house where he lived before his death last December. The massive figure, standing erect in a characteristic pose, holds the fascinated gaze of three young visitors, Karen, 3, and Debra Hartman, 5, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lyode Hartman, 943 St. Charles st., St. Charles, Mo., and Pam Karrenbrock, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Karrenbrock, Wentzville, Mo.
Alone on the foredeck, a hand coils lines under the watchful eye of the mate and passengers. The landing stage has been secured since its last use at some small river town where passengers boarded.
An image depicting portraits of C. H. Sampson, C. C, Rainwater, Col J. G. Prather, John W. M'Cullagh, Joseph J. Kreher, and V. O. Saunders. There is also an image of the Nonotuck Silk Company's Corticelli Float.
Showing part of the completed river bank that will be one of the banks when the new river channel is completed. Kansas City District, Pilot Canal Project.