View of crowd on bank of the Pilot Canal during ceremonies prior to blasting of plug that opened the diversion canal. Kansas City District, channel diversion.
Showing dredge (William H. Black) on upper side of Pilot Canal at station 6 + 00 dredging towards the 50' wide plug that will be blasted out. The (Black) dredged out the channel entrance for upper end. Dredging operations will be completed tonight.
What does a man do when he retires after running a company for 25 years? If you are like Wallace R. (Buck) Persons, former chairman and chief executive officer of Emerson Electric Co. here, you keep busy at a dozen or more private and public projects - any one of which would satisfy the ordinary retiree.
Vol. XXII. No. 28. O. V. I. A. Meeting: Planned to be One of the Most Important Waterways Meetings Ever Held. John A. Cox On Waterways. Matt Monaghan Passes Away. Arkansas Rice. Work Commenced on "Frisco."
The Rolling Stones as they appeared on stage Thursday night at the Checkdome. Charlie Watts, drummer for Rolling Stones, seen here in concert at the Arena in 1981, uses Gretsch drums.
N. O. left dock 10:30 Oct 151928. Laid up Louisiana Ave for repairs. Note this shows how boat is looking outside of ferry dock. Her stern is in much closer to dock than Capitol last season.
October 29, 1937. - Lower end of cut where Ste. Genevieve began dredging. About station 295-00. Grand Tower Pile Dike and Revetment Contract, 1937-38: Woods Brothers Construction Company. Note: Photographs could not be taken at regular intervals because of adverse weather conditions.
Timber piling clump dike, Chester to Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Mile 111.9 L. Dike partially completed. Three clumps (9 piling) required to complete. Upper Mississippi River, St. Louis Dist. C. of E.
Only one more section remains to be inserted - and that is to take place at the "topping out," now due for Oct. 28 - before the two legs of the Gateway Arch are joined. The next to last section, above, was put into place Tuesday, leaving a space of only two and a half feet between the legs of the 630-foot Arch. The legs appear to be joined in the picture below, taken after the next to last section was inserted, but that's due to the camera angle.
The dredges (Ste. Genevieve) and (William H. Black) as they dredge opposite each other with 100' separating dredges to mark completion of the Diversion Channel Project. An Earth wall 50' thick will not be dredged. It will be blasted out. Dredges at station 6+00' and 7+00'. Kansas City District, channel diversion.