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(61 - 80 of 181)


the Amberg Awards
Military Awards in Jefferson City
Group of People at Military Awards Ceremony
Couple at Military Awards Ceremony
Military Awards Presentation
Military Awards Presentation
Military Awards Presentation
House that has been renovated at a cost of $150,000 mistakenly scheduled for demolition - 1014-16 Russel Blvd. (reverse)
House that has been renovated at a cost of $150,000 mistakenly scheduled for demolition - 1014-16 Russel Blvd. (obverse)
Planned floating apartment complex on barges - St. Louis Riverfront. (obverse)
Planned floating apartment complex on barges - St. Louis Riverfront. (reverse)
Inverted Steel Workers
Construction Process
Up in the Sky
Coffee Break
A Nose For News
Knights of the "Read"
Valley Industries Inc.
Old Newsboys Day Renews Realty Rivalry
Lewis and Clark Life Underwriters


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